This directory contains proof files for Pépin tests on some of the smaller, incompletely factorised Fermat numbers, from F12 up to F29. Further proofs beyond F29 are major amounts of computation and may be made available, if possible.
Pépin’s test is that Pn = α½(Fn–1) ≡ –1 mod Fn, if and only if Fn is prime; customarily base α = 3 is used for the test. Théophile Pépin initially proposed base 5 (and also 10), however François Proth showed base 3 also met the theorem’s criteria and this became the preferred base. As no Fermat numbers beyond F4 are known to be prime, any composite Fermat number when tested will leave behind a residue modulo Fn ≢ –1.
Fermat numbers grow quickly and are difficult to factorise, however, so that the Pépin test is only practical up to F30 at this point in time; it may become possible to extend the test to F33 at some future point relatively close to the time of writing. Among these ‘smaller’ Fermat numbers Fm for m < 33, seven composite Fermat numbers are fully factored (5 ≤ m ≤ 11), two composite Fermat numbers are not factorised at all (m = 20 and 24), and seventeen Fermat numbers possess a large, composite cofactor (12 ≤ m ≤ 30, thus excluding m = 20, 24, 31, 32). Beyond F32, the next Fermat numbers with partial factorisations are F36 to F40. An extension of the Pépin test first devised by Hiromi Suyama in 1984 and subsequently refined by Hendrik W. Lenstra, Jr, allows the compositeness of a cofactor to be tested, and some of these results are shown below.
The Pépin test was first tested on eight of the smaller Fermat numbers of unknown character in the twentieth century, proving each to be composite, and at the gentle pleadings of Gary Gostin I have compiled a historical account of these tests, with verifications of all results using his very useful program, cofact. He also provided his proofs of F27 and F28 in the meantime before my own PRP run of F27 was complete (our results agreed with one another, however his proof is also a smaller download).
The fifteen proofs up to F26 were generated using George F. Woltman’s Prime95/mprime software, version 30.10 (and revisions), usually on a single core of a MacBook Pro. (Owing to bots continually trying to download the larger proofs, direct links are only provided for the first few files up to F20; all eighteen are available at the URLs listed.) The proofs were generated using the following “worktodo” lines (and a little edit to the source was needed to generate the five smallest proofs):
Also, please be mindful of my bandwidth! These are large files to download.
PRP=N/A,1,2,4096,1,"114689,26017793,63766529,190274191361,1256132134125569,568630647535356955169033410940867804839360742060818433" PRP=N/A,1,2,8192,1,"2710954639361,2663848877152141313,3603109844542291969,319546020820551643220672513" PRP=N/A,1,2,16384,1,"116928085873074369829035993834596371340386703423373313" PRP=N/A,1,2,32768,1,"1214251009,2327042503868417,168768817029516972383024127016961" PRP=N/A,1,2,65536,1,"825753601,188981757975021318420037633" PRP=N/A,1,2,131072,1,"31065037602817,7751061099802522589358967058392886922693580423169" PRP=N/A,1,2,262144,1,"13631489,81274690703860512587777" PRP=N/A,1,2,524288,1,"70525124609,646730219521,37590055514133754286524446080499713" PRP=N/A,1,2,1048576,1 PRP=N/A,1,2,2097152,1,"4485296422913" PRP=N/A,1,2,4194304,1,"64658705994591851009055774868504577" PRP=N/A,1,2,8388608,1,"167772161" PRP=N/A,1,2,16777216,1 PRP=N/A,1,2,33554432,1,"25991531462657,204393464266227713,2170072644496392193" PRP=N/A,1,2,67108864,1,"76861124116481" PRP=N/A,1,2,134217728,1,"151413703311361,231292694251438081" PRP=N/A,1,2,268435456,1,"1766730974551267606529" PRP=N/A,1,2,536870912,1,"2405286912458753" minutes Proof size Power URL of proof MD5 hash modulo 2^64 residue F12 0.0 3235 5 ca149f8a47442b0e06861746d4045364 E110B2DF4898DFD7 F13 0.0 6279 5 bac992c26b8a7126cd28481b217419c0 8346D942AF82520A F14 0.0 12396 5 093bb8f69a52b108cdde8c4a76ef643a 4B3EA30710A4989A F15 0.0 24691 5 4db7e89f41227dd24ee1aeae4a72f360 46C3D48B9041D9E3 F16 0.0 49243 5 fa830f3839d64025e1f859d083d29fb8 7A3617ECEEB13091 F17 0.1 98422 5 53e553b247658561f4fe02ac03eda2a3 907B654AA857D7A8 F18 0.4 196694 5 d25db8942131ccee7a8f1cd119e5a363 BCBFB1C446912EAD F19 1.6 458866 6 9893274860a34569207c51cce5fe4c30 449FBCA640B4FA27 F20 6.5 917555 6 39619f390d86a61013645928d2966c16 11BEF945BB1F0767 F21 27 2097219 7 4ed3dce9ad8819d3866a6d97b95e5ad9 A07023647D42B4D5 hours F22 1.8 4194393 7 0664852b7c7815f3645083489eb14b3e 1B7A892DC7F0EC35 F23 5.75 9437247 8 4a95ccc398bcffe62ea933a997145913 14E2143DD7E57ABB F24 11.9 18874419 8 694a438fc2dbca9e84d95381709e8bb7 6EC4A4806BE07FAA F25 56.3 41943147 9 1c2469aefac89836e069c35e44e86395 7B6B087B84A45562 days F26 13 83886148 9 0cbe6480339af0a2f018221a52d94540 FBB406B3A281838C F27 n/a 150995032 8 3256ef1c9cee3e0a6e4643cccf2dc8f5 C3B191C45CCD7820 (by gracious permission of Gary Gostin) F27 64 184549465 10 3593965309e82c930c4bd2a43bd77db3 C3B191C45CCD7820 [Newly added; if you already have a F27 proof you don't need this one as well.] F28 n/a 536870990 7x2 3bfd3670c906ffa89b65820cc7df0d39 7CAE1275B362B2CA (by gracious permission of Gary Gostin) F29 n/a 939524168 6x2 2ed2b8599f3929c8ecb9e1e15771e974 AB3DBCEFFE907786 (by gracious permission of ‘mathwiz’)
One or two additional cores were added for the PRP runs on F24 and above; the times could have been substantially improved by using even more processing power!
When used for certification, proof files allow rapid construction of the final residues (about 0.2% computing effort for power 9 compared with the full run), for use in double-checking the compositeness of the large cofactor, or the compositeness of F20 and F24. The proof power reduces the number of squarings required to generate the residue from the proof:
squarings F12 128 F13 256 F14 512 F15 1024 F16 2048 F17 4096 F18, F19 8192 F20, F21 16384 F22, F23 32768 F24, F25 65536 F26, F27 131072 (Power 10 F27 proof from C. Cowie) F27 524288 (Power 8 F27 proof from G. Gostin) F28 1048576 F29 4194304
Usually the final residue is not provided to the certifier, but a server retains a salted hash to verify the construction; here, these proofs contain the final residues.
Finally, Gary B. Gostin’s cofact program (described here) was used to run Pépin tests on all Fermat numbers up to F25, confirming the proof residues, and generate full information on the state of the cofactors. If (or when) further factors for these Fermat numbers are discovered, cofact can be used to quickly verify the status of the newly found cofactor, which could potentially be a very large prime: the current largest-known prime M82,589,933 is larger than F26 but smaller than F27. This can be done in a fraction of the time compared with the computation for the Pépin test. (The newest version 0.9 of cofact can run the full proof verification if desired, which for F27 and higher would be rather lengthy, but normally it is sufficient to use the residue from the proof.)
After calculating the Pépin residue modulo Fm and displaying a quartet of smaller residues (including Selfridge–Hurwitz residues), cofact calculates three quantities and reports their associated residue quartets:
(This residue modulo Fm is saved in full in the first part of the proof file, allowing a direct comparison. In the parlance of Prime95, this is a ‘type 5’ residue, or for the case of unfactorised Fermat numbers F20 and F24, a ‘type 1’ residue, while the Pépin test yields ‘type 2’.)
So if the Pépin test plus one yields zero modulo Fm then Fm is prime; if the Suyama (A – B) modulo C is zero, then the cofactor C is prime. There is also a test for whether the cofactor C is a prime power, which returns a gcd of 1 if it is not (adding this to later versions of cofact was one of my suggestions to improve the program).
First, some “sanity checks”:
F2 = 222 + 1 = 17 is small enough that the Pépin test can be performed by mental arithmetic in several different bases.
Program to check the primality of a Fermat number and its cofactor: cofact, Version 0.6 (Jun 2 2023 11:42:45) Run started: Friday 02 June 2023 23:24:40 Command line: ./cofact_0.6_l 2 Testing F2 for primality using the Pepin test Using 1 threads in gwnum library Pepin Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0x0000000000000010 16 16 16 F2 is prime! Run ended: Friday 02 June 2023 23:24:40, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS)
F5 = 225 + 1 = 4,294,967,297 is the first composite Fermat number, so here we may also use the Suyama extension to test the primality of the larger factor. The quantities P5, A, and B (all modulo F5), and (A – B) mod C, are non-trivial pen and paper calculations (a calculator handling 20-digit integers and modulo arithmetic should allow confirmation of any individual calculation).
Thus F5 is composite, but the cofactor obtained by dividing by 641 is prime.
Note, that as these computed moduli residues are ~ 232 or less, thus each of the Selfridge–Hurwitz residues are identical with the hexadecimal modulo 264 residue.
Program to check the primality of a Fermat number and its cofactor: cofact, Version 0.6 (Jun 2 2023 11:42:45) Run started: Friday 02 June 2023 23:26:06 Command line: ./cofact_0.6_l 5 641 Testing F5 for primality using the Pepin test Using 1 threads in gwnum library Pepin Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0x00000000009D894F 10324303 10324303 10324303 F5 is composite Testing the F5 cofactor for primality using the following known factors: 641 Cofactor (7 digits): 6700417 A Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0x00000000B48B4570 3029026160 3029026160 3029026160 B Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0x000000005E476098 1581736088 1581736088 1581736088 (A-B) mod C Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0x0000000000000000 0 0 0 F5 cofactor is prime! Run ended: Friday 02 June 2023 23:26:06, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS)
For the next two tests on F8 and F11, we should expect cofact to return the known prime cofactors of 62 and 564 digits respectively.
Program to check the primality of a Fermat number and its cofactor: cofact, Version 0.6 (Jun 2 2023 11:42:45) Run started: Friday 02 June 2023 23:28:18 Command line: ./cofact_0.6_l 8 1238926361552897 Testing F8 for primality using the Pepin test Using 1 threads in gwnum library Iteration: 25 / 255 ( 9.8%), ms/iter: 0.004, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 50 / 255 ( 19.6%), ms/iter: 0.008, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 75 / 255 ( 29.4%), ms/iter: 0.004, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 100 / 255 ( 39.2%), ms/iter: 0.004, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 125 / 255 ( 49.0%), ms/iter: 0.004, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 150 / 255 ( 58.8%), ms/iter: 0.002, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 175 / 255 ( 68.6%), ms/iter: 0.002, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 200 / 255 ( 78.4%), ms/iter: 0.002, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 225 / 255 ( 88.2%), ms/iter: 0.002, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 250 / 255 ( 98.0%), ms/iter: 0.002, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Pepin Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0x6507E50AC84D66B3 30627284506 35403253324 46310188723 F8 is composite Testing the F8 cofactor for primality using the following known factors: 1238926361552897 Cofactor (62 digits): 93461639715357977769163558199606896584051237541638188580280321 A Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0xBD369DB0333BDAB9 7169939333 49398862793 859560633 B Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0xA09B75CBCC37D9A1 21394929184 19438079397 50670852513 (A-B) mod C Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0x0000000000000000 0 0 0 F8 cofactor is prime! Run ended: Friday 02 June 2023 23:28:18, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS)
Program to check the primality of a Fermat number and its cofactor: cofact, Version 0.6 (Jun 4 2023 08:01:22) Run started: Sunday 04 June 2023 08:24:17 Command line: ./cofact_0.6_m 11 319489 974849 167988556341760475137 3560841906445833920513 Testing F11 for primality using the Pepin test Using 1 threads in gwnum library Iteration: 204 / 2047 ( 10.0%), ms/iter: 0.001, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 408 / 2047 ( 19.9%), ms/iter: 0.000, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 612 / 2047 ( 29.9%), ms/iter: 0.000, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 816 / 2047 ( 39.9%), ms/iter: 0.000, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 1020 / 2047 ( 49.8%), ms/iter: 0.000, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 1224 / 2047 ( 59.8%), ms/iter: 0.000, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 1428 / 2047 ( 69.8%), ms/iter: 0.000, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 1632 / 2047 ( 79.7%), ms/iter: 0.000, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 1836 / 2047 ( 89.7%), ms/iter: 0.000, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 2040 / 2047 ( 99.7%), ms/iter: 0.000, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Pepin Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0x38AD5BCF85A1DD28 3934743084 44928212591 66666487080 F11 is composite Testing the F11 cofactor for primality using the following known factors: 319489 974849 167988556341760475137 3560841906445833920513 Cofactor (564 digits): 173462447179147555430258970864309778377421844723664084649347019061363579192879108857591038330408837177983810868451546421940712978306134189864280826014542758708589243873685563973118948869399158545506611147420216132557017260564139394366945793220968665108959685482705388072645828554151936401912464931182546092879815733057795573358504982279280090942872567591518912118622751714319229788100979251036035496917279912663527358783236647193154777091427745377038294584918917590325110939381322486044298573971650711059244462177542540706913047034664643603491382441723306598834177 A Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0x2F2F83E6A14C7C3A 22705527920 45109638561 28475948090 B Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0xEFCDDF1A7A76BDB4 34115180774 62497641860 45004275124 (A-B) mod C Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0x0000000000000000 0 0 0 F11 cofactor is prime! Run ended: Sunday 04 June 2023 08:24:17, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS)
All Fermat numbers from F1 to F11 successfully duplicated prior results, so “sanity” prevailed.
Program to check the primality of a Fermat number and its cofactor: cofact, Version 0.6 (Sep 28 2024 12:31:05) Run started: Saturday 28 September 2024 12:33:07 Command line: ./cofact_0.6_m -cpr F12.proof 12 114689 26017793 63766529 190274191361 1256132134125569 568630647535356955169033410940867804839360742060818433 Reading residue from proof file: F12.proof Proof file description: (F12)/114689/26017793/63766529/190274191361/1256132134125569/568630647535356955169033410940867804839360742060818433 Testing F12 for primality using the Pepin test Using 1 threads in gwnum library Iteration: 409 / 4095 ( 10.0%), ms/iter: 0.001, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 818 / 4095 ( 20.0%), ms/iter: 0.001, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 1227 / 4095 ( 30.0%), ms/iter: 0.001, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 1636 / 4095 ( 40.0%), ms/iter: 0.001, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 2045 / 4095 ( 49.9%), ms/iter: 0.001, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 2454 / 4095 ( 59.9%), ms/iter: 0.001, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 2863 / 4095 ( 69.9%), ms/iter: 0.001, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 3272 / 4095 ( 79.9%), ms/iter: 0.001, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 3681 / 4095 ( 89.9%), ms/iter: 0.001, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 4090 / 4095 ( 99.9%), ms/iter: 0.001, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Pepin Residue mod 2^64 2^36 2^36-1 2^35-1: 0x06C3171F0746A313 64546579219 3387502849 5300454051 F12 is composite Calculated A residue matches proof file residue Testing the F12 cofactor for primality using the following known factors: 114689 26017793 63766529 190274191361 1256132134125569 568630647535356955169033410940867804839360742060818433 Cofactor is 1133 digits long A Residue mod 2^64 2^36 2^36-1 2^35-1: 0x8346D942AF82520A 11534488074 48121973657 11150519550 B Residue mod 2^64 2^36 2^36-1 2^35-1: 0x98D29BB505C82D27 21571841319 31828999134 249760013 (A-B) mod C Residue mod 2^64 2^36 2^36-1 2^35-1: 0x06D3316513FC3333 21810131763 65765080811 7388471481 F12 cofactor is composite Run ended: Saturday 28 September 2024 12:33:07, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS)
Program to check the primality of a Fermat number and its cofactor: cofact, Version 0.6 (Sep 28 2024 12:31:05) Run started: Saturday 28 September 2024 12:38:19 Command line: ./cofact_0.6_m -cpr F13.proof 13 2710954639361 2663848877152141313 3603109844542291969 319546020820551643220672513 Reading residue from proof file: F13.proof Proof file description: (F13)/2710954639361/2663848877152141313/3603109844542291969/319546020820551643220672513 Testing F13 for primality using the Pepin test Using 1 threads in gwnum library Iteration: 819 / 8191 ( 10.0%), ms/iter: 0.001, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 1638 / 8191 ( 20.0%), ms/iter: 0.001, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 2457 / 8191 ( 30.0%), ms/iter: 0.001, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 3276 / 8191 ( 40.0%), ms/iter: 0.001, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 4095 / 8191 ( 50.0%), ms/iter: 0.001, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 4914 / 8191 ( 60.0%), ms/iter: 0.001, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 5733 / 8191 ( 70.0%), ms/iter: 0.001, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 6552 / 8191 ( 80.0%), ms/iter: 0.001, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 7371 / 8191 ( 90.0%), ms/iter: 0.001, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 8190 / 8191 (100.0%), ms/iter: 0.001, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) Pepin Residue mod 2^64 2^36 2^36-1 2^35-1: 0xD79356EC3B040B5E 52529728350 52864871946 3434508623 F13 is composite Calculated A residue matches proof file residue Testing the F13 cofactor for primality using the following known factors: 2710954639361 2663848877152141313 3603109844542291969 319546020820551643220672513 Cofactor is 2391 digits long A Residue mod 2^64 2^36 2^36-1 2^35-1: 0x4B3EA30710A4989A 30343993498 52451231872 9804790336 B Residue mod 2^64 2^36 2^36-1 2^35-1: 0x4F2A986CE8427164 55436276068 19383040962 1680477711 (A-B) mod C Residue mod 2^64 2^36 2^36-1 2^35-1: 0xE77153C999263C25 41224125477 2496190587 25908858272 F13 cofactor is composite Run ended: Saturday 28 September 2024 12:38:20, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS)
Program to check the primality of a Fermat number and its cofactor: cofact, Version 0.8 (Aug 13 2023 13:15:44) Run started: Friday 03 May 2024 04:05:45 Command line: cofact -cpr F14.proof 14 116928085873074369829035993834596371340386703423373313 Reading residue from proof file: F14.proof Proof file description: (F14)/116928085873074369829035993834596371340386703423373313 Testing F14 for primality using the Pepin test Pepin Residue mod 2^64 in hex, 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36 in decimal (octal): 0xCC52BC3C94F9774A 15173315214 1986493987 54038984522 (0o161031465216 0o016631677043 0o622476273512) F14 is composite Calculated A residue matches proof file residue Testing the F14 cofactor for primality using the following known factors: 116928085873074369829035993834596371340386703423373313 Cofactor is 4880 digits long A Residue mod 2^64 in hex, 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36 in decimal (octal): 0xE110B2DF4898DFD7 32620083537 21972275522 65642487767 (0o363023574521 0o243551450502 0o751046157727) B Residue mod 2^64 in hex, 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36 in decimal (octal): 0x96D8E2B802C733B3 27969365260 24532874398 34406347699 (0o320306522414 0o266621372236 0o400261631663) (A-B) mod C Residue mod 2^64 in hex, 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36 in decimal (octal): 0xFC6DCDF563F934D2 16876703551 20505684606 23152112850 (0o175573407477 0o230616765176 0o254376232322) F14 cofactor is composite and is not a prime power Factorization: F14 = p54 * c4880 Run ended: Friday 03 May 2024 04:05:46, Wall time = 0:00:00 (HH:MM:SS)
Program to check the primality of a Fermat number and its cofactor: cofact, Version 0.8 (Aug 13 2023 13:15:44) Run started: Friday 03 May 2024 04:07:12 Command line: cofact -cpr F15.proof 15 1214251009 2327042503868417 168768817029516972383024127016961 Reading residue from proof file: F15.proof Proof file description: (F15)/1214251009/2327042503868417/168768817029516972383024127016961 Testing F15 for primality using the Pepin test Pepin Residue mod 2^64 in hex, 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36 in decimal (octal): 0xD534BCF1A89FCA9F 14110954287 42435904961 7124011679 (0o151105011457 0o474130102701 0o065047745237) F15 is composite Calculated A residue matches proof file residue Testing the F15 cofactor for primality using the following known factors: 1214251009 2327042503868417 168768817029516972383024127016961 Cofactor is 9808 digits long A Residue mod 2^64 in hex, 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36 in decimal (octal): 0x46C3D48B9041D9E3 25174316024 4867942482 49664874979 (0o273440311770 0o044211564122 0o562020354743) B Residue mod 2^64 in hex, 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36 in decimal (octal): 0x7F08E8A9EEFDD710 22628990761 28937048602 42664318736 (0o250462577451 0o327462051032 0o475677353420) (A-B) mod C Residue mod 2^64 in hex, 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36 in decimal (octal): 0x167C0419066997DF 9771151649 67988866249 38762289119 (0o110631770441 0o772434742311 0o440632313737) F15 cofactor is composite and is not a prime power Factorization: F15 = p10 * p16 * p33 * c9808 Run ended: Friday 03 May 2024 04:07:14, Wall time = 0:00:01 (HH:MM:SS)
Program to check the primality of a Fermat number and its cofactor: cofact, Version 0.8 (Aug 13 2023 13:15:44) Run started: Friday 03 May 2024 04:08:14 Command line: cofact -cpr F16.proof 16 825753601 188981757975021318420037633 Reading residue from proof file: F16.proof Proof file description: (F16)/825753601/188981757975021318420037633 Testing F16 for primality using the Pepin test Pepin Residue mod 2^64 in hex, 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36 in decimal (octal): 0x40ABB0C5BFF05CB5 173595305 65390296136 24695037109 (0o001226155251 0o747144136110 0o267774056265) F16 is composite Calculated A residue matches proof file residue Testing the F16 cofactor for primality using the following known factors: 825753601 188981757975021318420037633 Cofactor is 19694 digits long A Residue mod 2^64 in hex, 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36 in decimal (octal): 0x7A3617ECEEB13091 20710633406 25060016989 55544197265 (0o232234627676 0o272554301535 0o635654230221) B Residue mod 2^64 in hex, 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36 in decimal (octal): 0xDFBA3FBD0A4A225A 29834196943 26702937368 56007205466 (0o336220333717 0o306747476430 0o641222421132) (A-B) mod C Residue mod 2^64 in hex, 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36 in decimal (octal): 0x02664CA2851BBDCA 763967994 38394099743 10823122378 (0o005542234772 0o436035674037 0o120506736712) F16 cofactor is composite and is not a prime power Factorization: F16 = p9 * p27 * c19694 Run ended: Friday 03 May 2024 04:08:21, Wall time = 0:00:07 (HH:MM:SS)
Program to check the primality of a Fermat number and its cofactor: cofact, Version 0.6 (Jun 2 2023 11:42:45) Run started: Friday 02 June 2023 23:20:33 Command line: ./cofact_0.6_l -cpr p0131072.proof -v 17 31065037602817 7751061099802522589358967058392886922693580423169 Reading residue from proof file: p0131072.proof Proof file description: (F17)/31065037602817/7751061099802522589358967058392886922693580423169 Testing F17 for primality using the Pepin test Using 1 threads in gwnum library fft_description: all-complex FMA3 FFT length 16K, Pass1=256, Pass2=64, clm=2 fftlen = 16384 near_fft_limit = 0 Iteration: 13107 / 131071 ( 10.0%), ms/iter: 0.518, Wall time = 0:00:06 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 26214 / 131071 ( 20.0%), ms/iter: 0.550, Wall time = 0:00:14 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 39321 / 131071 ( 30.0%), ms/iter: 0.535, Wall time = 0:00:21 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 52428 / 131071 ( 40.0%), ms/iter: 0.542, Wall time = 0:00:28 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 65535 / 131071 ( 50.0%), ms/iter: 0.549, Wall time = 0:00:35 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 78642 / 131071 ( 60.0%), ms/iter: 0.557, Wall time = 0:00:42 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 91749 / 131071 ( 70.0%), ms/iter: 0.542, Wall time = 0:00:49 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 104856 / 131071 ( 80.0%), ms/iter: 0.548, Wall time = 0:00:56 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 117963 / 131071 ( 90.0%), ms/iter: 0.551, Wall time = 0:01:04 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 131070 / 131071 (100.0%), ms/iter: 0.548, Wall time = 0:01:11 (HH:MM:SS) Pepin residue: len = 2048, 40a3a412945d8df9 ... 248344f25e9ccef6 5afc1fe36dc81ddd Pepin Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0x5AFC1FE36DC81DDD 14982977589 2770550506 14726733277 F17 is composite Type 5 A residue: len = 2048, 6d40ad235a674142 ... c25e352f4cead1e3 907b654aa857d7a8 Calculated A residue matches proof file residue Testing the F17 cofactor for primality using the following known factors: 31065037602817 7751061099802522589358967058392886922693580423169 Cofactor is 39395 digits long A Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0x907B654AA857D7A8 9924649749 22659343630 45774002088 B Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0xBEDA5B4F3DC4EADD 5932131125 63727741388 65460824797 (A-B) mod C Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0x8EF31C72B0209FF0 15101673067 30808052802 11544862704 F17 cofactor is composite Run ended: Friday 02 June 2023 23:21:45, Wall time = 0:01:12 (HH:MM:SS)
Program to check the primality of a Fermat number and its cofactor: cofact, Version 0.6 (Jun 4 2023 08:01:22) Run started: Sunday 04 June 2023 08:40:58 Command line: ./cofact_0.6_m -cpr p0262144.proof 18 13631489 81274690703860512587777 Reading residue from proof file: p0262144.proof Proof file description: (F18)/13631489/81274690703860512587777 Testing F18 for primality using the Pepin test Using 1 threads in gwnum library Iteration: 26214 / 262143 ( 10.0%), ms/iter: 0.081, Wall time = 0:00:02 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 52428 / 262143 ( 20.0%), ms/iter: 0.087, Wall time = 0:00:04 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 78642 / 262143 ( 30.0%), ms/iter: 0.088, Wall time = 0:00:06 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 104856 / 262143 ( 40.0%), ms/iter: 0.080, Wall time = 0:00:08 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 131070 / 262143 ( 50.0%), ms/iter: 0.089, Wall time = 0:00:11 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 157284 / 262143 ( 60.0%), ms/iter: 0.087, Wall time = 0:00:13 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 183498 / 262143 ( 70.0%), ms/iter: 0.081, Wall time = 0:00:15 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 209712 / 262143 ( 80.0%), ms/iter: 0.087, Wall time = 0:00:17 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 235926 / 262143 ( 90.0%), ms/iter: 0.088, Wall time = 0:00:20 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 262140 / 262143 (100.0%), ms/iter: 0.087, Wall time = 0:00:22 (HH:MM:SS) Pepin Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0x506A5A0ABC27E6F0 10874364700 14070013587 46106404592 F18 is composite Calculated A residue matches proof file residue Testing the F18 cofactor for primality using the following known factors: 13631489 81274690703860512587777 Cofactor is 78884 digits long A Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0xBCBFB1C446912EAD 5160281264 16198816711 18363788973 B Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0x689AC15EAF3057EE 15794027617 29076663800 63068723182 (A-B) mod C Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0xCC9626F5A95549B1 4867623401 41329922521 24315775409 F18 cofactor is composite Run ended: Sunday 04 June 2023 08:41:21, Wall time = 0:00:22 (HH:MM:SS)
Program to check the primality of a Fermat number and its cofactor: cofact, Version 0.6 (Jun 4 2023 08:01:22) Run started: Sunday 04 June 2023 08:42:18 Command line: ./cofact_0.6_m -cpr p0524288.proof 19 70525124609 646730219521 37590055514133754286524446080499713 Reading residue from proof file: p0524288.proof Proof file description: (F19)/70525124609/646730219521/37590055514133754286524446080499713 Testing F19 for primality using the Pepin test Using 1 threads in gwnum library Iteration: 52428 / 524287 ( 10.0%), ms/iter: 0.172, Wall time = 0:00:09 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 104856 / 524287 ( 20.0%), ms/iter: 0.176, Wall time = 0:00:18 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 157284 / 524287 ( 30.0%), ms/iter: 0.172, Wall time = 0:00:27 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 209712 / 524287 ( 40.0%), ms/iter: 0.170, Wall time = 0:00:36 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 262140 / 524287 ( 50.0%), ms/iter: 0.171, Wall time = 0:00:45 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 314568 / 524287 ( 60.0%), ms/iter: 0.175, Wall time = 0:00:54 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 366996 / 524287 ( 70.0%), ms/iter: 0.176, Wall time = 0:01:03 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 419424 / 524287 ( 80.0%), ms/iter: 0.175, Wall time = 0:01:12 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 471852 / 524287 ( 90.0%), ms/iter: 0.174, Wall time = 0:01:21 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 524280 / 524287 (100.0%), ms/iter: 0.172, Wall time = 0:01:30 (HH:MM:SS) Pepin Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0x8C9339452E75F19C 6407009455 58676148574 22254317980 F19 is composite Calculated A residue matches proof file residue Testing the F19 cofactor for primality using the following known factors: 70525124609 646730219521 37590055514133754286524446080499713 Cofactor is 157770 digits long A Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0x449FBCA640B4FA27 405458041 30933529616 26855406119 B Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0x4E81A5FE01B9AC83 18465526654 52398778242 60158487683 (A-B) mod C Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0x14103D7C8A6FDF38 23470815198 27723811980 53862195000 F19 cofactor is composite Run ended: Sunday 04 June 2023 08:43:51, Wall time = 0:01:32 (HH:MM:SS)
Program to check the primality of a Fermat number and its cofactor: cofact, Version 0.6 (Jun 2 2023 11:42:45) Run started: Friday 02 June 2023 23:39:53 Command line: ./cofact_0.6_l -cpr p1048576.proof 20 Reading residue from proof file: p1048576.proof Proof file description: F20 Testing F20 for primality using the Pepin test Using 1 threads in gwnum library Iteration: 104857 / 1048575 ( 10.0%), ms/iter: 2.399, Wall time = 0:04:11 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 209714 / 1048575 ( 20.0%), ms/iter: 2.383, Wall time = 0:08:21 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 314571 / 1048575 ( 30.0%), ms/iter: 2.403, Wall time = 0:12:33 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 419428 / 1048575 ( 40.0%), ms/iter: 2.357, Wall time = 0:16:40 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 524285 / 1048575 ( 50.0%), ms/iter: 2.441, Wall time = 0:20:56 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 629142 / 1048575 ( 60.0%), ms/iter: 2.393, Wall time = 0:25:07 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 733999 / 1048575 ( 70.0%), ms/iter: 2.361, Wall time = 0:29:14 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 838856 / 1048575 ( 80.0%), ms/iter: 2.381, Wall time = 0:33:24 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 943713 / 1048575 ( 90.0%), ms/iter: 2.378, Wall time = 0:37:34 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 1048570 / 1048575 (100.0%), ms/iter: 2.366, Wall time = 0:41:42 (HH:MM:SS) Pepin Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0x78791573ED3DE5F1 15265819636 35626292569 16865158641 F20 is composite Calculated A residue matches proof file residue Run ended: Saturday 03 June 2023 00:21:35, Wall time = 0:41:42 (HH:MM:SS)
Program to check the primality of a Fermat number and its cofactor: cofact, Version 0.6 (Jun 4 2023 08:01:22) Run started: Sunday 04 June 2023 08:44:49 Command line: ./cofact_0.6_m -cpr p2097152.proof 21 4485296422913 Reading residue from proof file: p2097152.proof Proof file description: (F21)/4485296422913 Testing F21 for primality using the Pepin test Using 1 threads in gwnum library Iteration: 209715 / 2097151 ( 10.0%), ms/iter: 0.798, Wall time = 0:02:47 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 419430 / 2097151 ( 20.0%), ms/iter: 0.805, Wall time = 0:05:36 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 629145 / 2097151 ( 30.0%), ms/iter: 0.806, Wall time = 0:08:25 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 838860 / 2097151 ( 40.0%), ms/iter: 0.799, Wall time = 0:11:12 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 1048575 / 2097151 ( 50.0%), ms/iter: 0.805, Wall time = 0:14:01 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 1258290 / 2097151 ( 60.0%), ms/iter: 0.804, Wall time = 0:16:50 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 1468005 / 2097151 ( 70.0%), ms/iter: 0.802, Wall time = 0:19:38 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 1677720 / 2097151 ( 80.0%), ms/iter: 0.796, Wall time = 0:22:25 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 1887435 / 2097151 ( 90.0%), ms/iter: 0.807, Wall time = 0:25:14 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 2097150 / 2097151 (100.0%), ms/iter: 0.767, Wall time = 0:27:55 (HH:MM:SS) Pepin Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0xC4AE66D539B41B40 30981963597 300257643 22442941248 F21 is composite Calculated A residue matches proof file residue Testing the F21 cofactor for primality using the following known factors: 4485296422913 Cofactor is 631294 digits long A Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0xA07023647D42B4D5 12351604643 11280367853 19281392853 B Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0xDA11FF47C9F2DBA7 5803823552 25506585220 33452907431 (A-B) mod C Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0x1A6B2145AEB90471 15719707512 18942332167 24406197361 F21 cofactor is composite Run ended: Sunday 04 June 2023 09:12:46, Wall time = 0:27:57 (HH:MM:SS)
Program to check the primality of a Fermat number and its cofactor: cofact, Version 0.6 (Jun 4 2023 08:01:22) Run started: Sunday 04 June 2023 09:58:53 Command line: ./cofact_0.6_m -cpr p4194304.proof 22 64658705994591851009055774868504577 Reading residue from proof file: p4194304.proof Proof file description: (F22)/64658705994591851009055774868504577 Testing F22 for primality using the Pepin test Using 1 threads in gwnum library Iteration: 419430 / 4194303 ( 10.0%), ms/iter: 1.896, Wall time = 0:13:15 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 838860 / 4194303 ( 20.0%), ms/iter: 1.874, Wall time = 0:26:21 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 1258290 / 4194303 ( 30.0%), ms/iter: 1.893, Wall time = 0:39:35 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 1677720 / 4194303 ( 40.0%), ms/iter: 1.896, Wall time = 0:52:50 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 2097150 / 4194303 ( 50.0%), ms/iter: 1.897, Wall time = 1:06:06 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 2516580 / 4194303 ( 60.0%), ms/iter: 1.863, Wall time = 1:19:07 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 2936010 / 4194303 ( 70.0%), ms/iter: 1.895, Wall time = 1:32:22 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 3355440 / 4194303 ( 80.0%), ms/iter: 1.891, Wall time = 1:45:35 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 3774870 / 4194303 ( 90.0%), ms/iter: 1.894, Wall time = 1:58:49 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 4194300 / 4194303 (100.0%), ms/iter: 1.899, Wall time = 2:12:06 (HH:MM:SS) Pepin Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0x77F6FA403A09D72A 12323430823 8733349067 973723434 F22 is composite Calculated A residue matches proof file residue Testing the F22 cofactor for primality using the following known factors: 64658705994591851009055774868504577 Cofactor is 1262577 digits long A Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0x1B7A892DC7F0EC35 21359120063 62994050515 59189029941 B Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0xF2F13497115814AD 31225537268 58598662170 30355756205 (A-B) mod C Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0x8F2B6FC5AA6AF96A 5450609407 30570899199 24333973866 F22 cofactor is composite Run ended: Sunday 04 June 2023 12:11:11, Wall time = 2:12:17 (HH:MM:SS)
Program to check the primality of a Fermat number and its cofactor: cofact, Version 0.6 (Jun 4 2023 08:01:22) Run started: Sunday 04 June 2023 14:06:49 Command line: ./cofact_0.6_m -cpr p8388608.proof 23 167772161 Reading residue from proof file: p8388608.proof Proof file description: (F23)/167772161 Testing F23 for primality using the Pepin test Using 1 threads in gwnum library Iteration: 838860 / 8388607 ( 10.0%), ms/iter: 4.916, Wall time = 1:08:43 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 1677720 / 8388607 ( 20.0%), ms/iter: 4.872, Wall time = 2:16:50 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 2516580 / 8388607 ( 30.0%), ms/iter: 4.854, Wall time = 3:24:42 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 3355440 / 8388607 ( 40.0%), ms/iter: 4.928, Wall time = 4:33:36 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 4194300 / 8388607 ( 50.0%), ms/iter: 4.884, Wall time = 5:41:53 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 5033160 / 8388607 ( 60.0%), ms/iter: 4.856, Wall time = 6:49:47 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 5872020 / 8388607 ( 70.0%), ms/iter: 4.913, Wall time = 7:58:29 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 6710880 / 8388607 ( 80.0%), ms/iter: 4.930, Wall time = 9:07:24 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 7549740 / 8388607 ( 90.0%), ms/iter: 4.864, Wall time = 10:15:25 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 8388600 / 8388607 (100.0%), ms/iter: 5.403, Wall time = 11:30:57 (HH:MM:SS) Pepin Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0x50E1F11B55196BBB 4259642653 60596902712 48672369595 F23 is composite Calculated A residue matches proof file residue Testing the F23 cofactor for primality using the following known factors: 167772161 Cofactor is 2525215 digits long A Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0x14E2143DD7E57ABB 27248444876 10275710011 59456715451 B Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0x1029BE52A5446CDA 3050368568 54792073816 11362659546 (A-B) mod C Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0x5574287CB97265BA 8874908179 13707222996 54650889658 F23 cofactor is composite Run ended: Monday 05 June 2023 01:37:54, Wall time = 11:31:04 (HH:MM:SS)
Program to check the primality of a Fermat number and its cofactor: cofact, Version 0.6 (Jun 4 2023 08:01:22) Run started: Monday 05 June 2023 07:29:38 Command line: ./cofact_0.6_m -cpr pG777216.proof 24 Reading residue from proof file: pG777216.proof Proof file description: F24 Testing F24 for primality using the Pepin test Using 1 threads in gwnum library Iteration: 1677721 / 16777215 ( 10.0%), ms/iter: 10.338, Wall time = 4:49:04 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 3355442 / 16777215 ( 20.0%), ms/iter: 10.275, Wall time = 9:36:21 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 5033163 / 16777215 ( 30.0%), ms/iter: 10.293, Wall time = 14:24:10 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 6710884 / 16777215 ( 40.0%), ms/iter: 10.365, Wall time = 19:14:00 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 8388605 / 16777215 ( 50.0%), ms/iter: 10.352, Wall time = 24:03:28 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 10066326 / 16777215 ( 60.0%), ms/iter: 10.329, Wall time = 28:52:17 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 11744047 / 16777215 ( 70.0%), ms/iter: 10.398, Wall time = 33:43:02 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 13421768 / 16777215 ( 80.0%), ms/iter: 10.906, Wall time = 38:47:59 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 15099489 / 16777215 ( 90.0%), ms/iter: 10.264, Wall time = 43:34:59 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 16777210 / 16777215 (100.0%), ms/iter: 10.307, Wall time = 48:23:11 (HH:MM:SS) Pepin Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0x17311B7E131E106C 32898231088 68627742455 60450279532 F24 is composite Calculated A residue matches proof file residue Run ended: Wednesday 07 June 2023 07:52:49, Wall time = 48:23:11 (HH:MM:SS)
Program to check the primality of a Fermat number and its cofactor: cofact, Version 0.6 (Jun 2 2023 11:42:45) Run started: Sunday 11 June 2023 00:38:21 Command line: ./cofact_0.6_l -cpr pX554432.proof 25 25991531462657 204393464266227713 2170072644496392193 Reading residue from proof file: pX554432.proof Proof file description: (F25)/25991531462657/204393464266227713/2170072644496392193 Testing F25 for primality using the Pepin test Using 1 threads in gwnum library Iteration: 3355443 / 33554431 ( 10.0%), ms/iter: 52.969, Wall time = 49:22:15 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 6710886 / 33554431 ( 20.0%), ms/iter: 53.098, Wall time = 98:51:41 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 10066329 / 33554431 ( 30.0%), ms/iter: 53.046, Wall time = 148:18:15 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 13421772 / 33554431 ( 40.0%), ms/iter: 53.044, Wall time = 197:44:41 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 16777215 / 33554431 ( 50.0%), ms/iter: 52.976, Wall time = 247:07:18 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 20132658 / 33554431 ( 60.0%), ms/iter: 53.145, Wall time = 296:39:22 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 23488101 / 33554431 ( 70.0%), ms/iter: 53.019, Wall time = 346:04:23 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 26843544 / 33554431 ( 80.0%), ms/iter: 52.971, Wall time = 395:26:45 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 30198987 / 33554431 ( 90.0%), ms/iter: 53.348, Wall time = 445:10:13 (HH:MM:SS) Iteration: 33554430 / 33554431 (100.0%), ms/iter: 53.355, Wall time = 494:54:01 (HH:MM:SS) Pepin Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0xCB913B6E3B1FFE2A 9073733940 15369168494 61121494570 F25 is composite Calculated A residue matches proof file residue Testing the F25 cofactor for primality using the following known factors: 25991531462657 204393464266227713 2170072644496392193 Cofactor is 10100842 digits long A Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0x7B6B087B84A45562 26994100025 66886679148 49470002530 B Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0x2909830729BFA110 30348546187 21153567739 30765195536 (A-B) mod C Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0x7A551893ACF4BE4E 34178045549 65496009072 15786622542 F25 cofactor is composite Run ended: Saturday 01 July 2023 15:38:39, Wall time = 495:00:18 (HH:MM:SS)
Program to check the primality of a Fermat number and its cofactor: cofact, Version 0.6 (Jun 2 2023 11:42:45) Run started: Saturday 03 June 2023 00:48:09 Command line: ./cofact_0.6_l -upr p10H8864.proof 26 76861124116481 Reading residue from proof file: p10H8864.proof Proof file description: (F26)/76861124116481 Using A residue from proof file instead of calculating it Skipping the Pepin test Testing the F26 cofactor for primality using the following known factors: 76861124116481 Cofactor is 20201768 digits long A Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0xFBB406B3A281838C 2193939191 7371940776 15611298700 B Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0x25F5AB0FFC728C87 32173443562 20444894301 68659874951 (A-B) mod C Residue mod 2^64 2^35-1 2^36-1 2^36: 0xB7BD14979ACF222E 6416457631 15466936163 32662037038 F26 cofactor is composite Run ended: Saturday 03 June 2023 00:55:59, Wall time = 0:07:49 (HH:MM:SS)
As I have considerably customised cofact in the several months while the F27 proof file was brewing, the output here is slightly different from the previous printouts!
Program to check the primality of a Fermat number and its cofactor: cofact, Version 0.72c (Aug 21 2023 07:11:52) Run started: Monday 28 August 2023 17:16:09 Command line: ./cofact -u F27.proof 27 151413703311361 231292694251438081 Reading residue from proof file: F27.proof Proof file description: (F27)/151413703311361/231292694251438081 Using A residue from proof file instead of calculating it Skipping the Pépin test Testing the F27 cofactor for primality using the following known factors: 151413703311361 231292694251438081 Product of known factors = 35020883385472577494245955338241 Cofactor is 40403531 digits long Suyama A residue mod 2^64 2^36 2^36-1 2^35-1: 0xC3B191C45CCD7820 18736838688 55240256170 21887650168 Suyama B residue mod 2^64 2^36 2^36-1 2^35-1: 0x485F292142F953EC 5418603500 26481669619 20036545122 (A-B) mod C residue mod 2^64 2^36 2^36-1 2^35-1: 0x79E89190C56372B7 3311628983 29330680430 2608954171 GCD (A-B, C) = 1 F27 cofactor is composite, and is not a prime power Factorisation: F27 = p15 * p18 * c40403531 Run ended: Monday 28 August 2023 17:21:57, Wall time = 0:05:48 (HH:MM:SS)
Program to check the primality of a Fermat number and its cofactor: cofact, Version 0.72c (Aug 21 2023 07:11:52) Run started: Monday 28 August 2023 17:21:57 Command line: ./cofact -u F28.proof 28 1766730974551267606529 Reading residue from proof file: F28.proof Proof file description: (F28)/1766730974551267606529 Using A residue from proof file instead of calculating it Skipping the Pépin test Testing the F28 cofactor for primality using the following known factors: 1766730974551267606529 Cofactor is 80807103 digits long Suyama A residue mod 2^64 2^36 2^36-1 2^35-1: 0x7CAE1275B362B2CA 24484426442 30894284803 20461105324 Suyama B residue mod 2^64 2^36 2^36-1 2^35-1: 0xBD496177DB5155A0 33744311712 3778945069 33633822046 (A-B) mod C residue mod 2^64 2^36 2^36-1 2^35-1: 0x790BE051D73D667E 7906092670 55362539930 4159568998 GCD (A-B, C) = 1 F28 cofactor is composite, and is not a prime power Factorisation: F28 = p22 * c80807103 Run ended: Monday 28 August 2023 17:31:11, Wall time = 0:09:14 (HH:MM:SS)
Program to check the primality of a Fermat number and its cofactor: cofact, Version 0.72c (Oct 5 2023 12:47:56) Run started: Thursday 02 November 2023 08:43:21 Command line: ./cofact -u F29.proof 29 2405286912458753 Reading residue from proof file: F29.proof Proof file description: (F29)/2405286912458753 Using A residue from proof file instead of calculating it Skipping the Pépin test Testing the F29 cofactor for primality using the following known factors: 2405286912458753 Cofactor is 161614233 digits long Suyama A residue mod 2^64 2^36 2^36-1 2^35-1: 0x9BD416DB3918C152 48202563922 58920206666 32748692453 Suyama B residue mod 2^64 2^36 2^36-1 2^35-1: 0x30AFC6010F62884B 4553082955 6544795868 7473784009 (A-B) mod C residue mod 2^64 2^36 2^36-1 2^35-1: 0xAB3DBCEFFE907786 68695390086 41564307636 13349243207 GCD (A-B, C) = 1 F29 cofactor is composite, and is not a prime power Factorisation: F29 = p16 * c161614233 Run ended: Thursday 02 November 2023 08:56:38, Wall time = 0:13:17 (HH:MM:SS)
The full logs for cofact on each of F1 up to F26 have been placed at fermat/cofact.log.
The full logs for mprime on F0 up to F26 are likewise at fermat/mprime.log; the log excerpts below are slightly abbreviated and presented as proof of work.
A page of details and references on the ‘smaller’ Fermat numbers (which I am arbitrarily defining as including up to F32) is to be found at fermat/small.
{"status":"C", "k":1, "b":2, "n":4096, "c":1, "known-factors":["114689","26017793","63766529","190274191361","1256132134125569","568630647535356955169033410940867804839360742060818433"], "worktype":"PRP-3", "res64":"8346D942AF82520A", "residue-type":5, "res2048":"D686F11F34C7CA3B9AFDEF54FC1B163FB0DCE687170B3CDBDC640C875FED11357F7F9C2E22BAB9374D1EB3259E842A72B31E30A652CAC69E8B345A2E9E8036ACF71BA86CE914EC5E2677675E988C12BFE45C084225F40174FEE5E2EB8545722CB8E3E6CC453624F4D9930CC191390608674BEF1990737071FCD903EB8869345EF6C6E3022A77753A8BCF8AD5729818EF3FA8E6B73322C917D7B96CB9DA0CC65C686BA8B91D6E5ADBC51E275D8A378D45DD443FB9E4C66BCE7EAA9C4FA65A62CCF4B9ADD54B33DDA8DEF588E388301A1E5BEB411E0C91A4A7BFD5BCD4F27353EA6D85A5A7AA4DC4C2B039B53919A882500582CD6CEA0C0AFE8346D942AF82520A", "fft-length":192, "error-code":"00000000", "security-code":"20002000", "program":{"name":"Prime95", "version":"30.8", "build":15, "port":10}, "timestamp":"2023-02-19 01:12:40", "errors":{"gerbicz":0}, "user":"cathy-c", "computer":"iMac3.2GHz_i5-6500"} [Mon Feb 27 08:58:07 2023] {"status":"C", "k":1, "b":2, "n":8192, "c":1, "known-factors":["2710954639361","2663848877152141313","3603109844542291969","319546020820551643220672513"], "worktype":"PRP-3", "res64":"4B3EA30710A4989A", "residue-type":5, "res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fft-length":384, "error-code":"00000000", "security-code":"40004000", "program":{"name":"Prime95", "version":"30.8", "build":15, "port":10}, "timestamp":"2023-02-26 21:58:07", "errors":{"gerbicz":0}, "user":"cathy-c", "computer":"iMac3.2GHz_i5-6500"} {"status":"C", "k":1, "b":2, "n":16384, "c":1, "known-factors":["116928085873074369829035993834596371340386703423373313"], "worktype":"PRP-3", "res64":"E110B2DF4898DFD7", "residue-type":5, "res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fft-length":768, "error-code":"00000000", "security-code":"80008000", "program":{"name":"Prime95", "version":"30.8", "build":15, "port":10}, "timestamp":"2023-02-26 21:58:07", "errors":{"gerbicz":0}, "user":"cathy-c", "computer":"iMac3.2GHz_i5-6500"} {"status":"C", "k":1, "b":2, "n":32768, "c":1, "known-factors":["1214251009","2327042503868417","168768817029516972383024127016961"], "worktype":"PRP-3", "res64":"46C3D48B9041D9E3", "residue-type":5, "res2048":"4E983A80088D8F5C33090691E38A42D1721BC6A38494C7AA93E16A75E3B30CBE6A00A3C3533F0FAAB8CEE2914167B200AB31A63D2D87E13DFA8DCC4689BCD65CBC6C578D7916C393EA224F5A1FCBDBB7E01A8DD8F64CF18B20217D5C13D91862833FD3DF01B80C976A6F1D17B86AC992CB35EE26C1900F036EE9CF8F3CC65186C9D121DC0AD46AD7779A29180AB0F5C3D12C01038E024139DA3BBE65B45F6BDDACFB2B410818041EC64BB6D32986AF713DF9D1A5DF807A82962C13D03C01BFD85E5790FF7B026629E1188E166D2F943BAE634BFED9EAD5EAEC5C0F9276D53C430228AF39F4ED1BA40E6D3B7EF3B3455BB49F4342E42D273A46C3D48B9041D9E3", "fft-length":1536, "error-code":"00000000", "security-code":"B5B592D1", "program":{"name":"Prime95", "version":"30.8", "build":15, "port":10}, "timestamp":"2023-02-26 21:58:07", "errors":{"gerbicz":0}, "user":"cathy-c", "computer":"iMac3.2GHz_i5-6500"} {"status":"C", "k":1, "b":2, "n":65536, "c":1, "known-factors":["825753601","188981757975021318420037633"], "worktype":"PRP-3", "res64":"7A3617ECEEB13091", "residue-type":5, "res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fft-length":3072, "error-code":"00000000", "security-code":"2A9925A2", "program":{"name":"Prime95", "version":"30.8", "build":15, "port":10}, "timestamp":"2023-02-26 21:58:08", "errors":{"gerbicz":0}, "user":"cathy-c", "computer":"iMac3.2GHz_i5-6500"} [Sat Apr 15 11:11:54 2023] {"status":"C", "k":1, "b":2, "n":131072, "c":1, "known-factors":["31065037602817","7751061099802522589358967058392886922693580423169"], "worktype":"PRP-3", "res64":"907B654AA857D7A8", "residue-type":5, "res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fft-length":8192, "error-code":"00000000", "security-code":"5530F24D", "program":{"name":"Prime95", "version":"30.10", "build":1, "port":10}, "timestamp":"2023-04-15 01:11:54", "errors":{"gerbicz":0}, "proof":{"version":2, "power":5, "hashsize":64, 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and for F28 and F29:
{"status":"C", "k":1, "b":2, "n":268435456, "c":1, "known-factors":["1766730974551267606529"], "worktype":"PRP-3", "res64":"7CAE1275B362B2CA", "residue-type":5, "res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} [Wed Nov 1 21:18:40 2023] {"status":"C", "k":1, "b":2, "n":536870912, "c":1, "known-factors":["2405286912458753"], "worktype":"PRP-3", "res64":"9BD416DB3918C152", "residue-type":5, "res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fft-length":31457280, "error-code":"00000000", "security-code":"00000000", "program":{"name":"Prime95", "version":"30.14", "build":1, "port":8}, "timestamp":"2023-11-01 21:18:40", "errors":{"gerbicz":0}, "proof":{"version":2, "power":6, "power-multiplier":2, "hashsize":64, "md5":"2ed2b8599f3929c8ecb9e1e15771e974"}, "user":"mathwiz"}
F12 (revisited 2024 for proof generation) [Main thread Sep 28 12:10] Mersenne number primality test program version 30.19 build 15 [Main thread Sep 28 12:10] Optimizing for CPU architecture: Core i3/i5/i7, L2 cache size: 4x256 KB, L3 cache size: 6 MB [Main thread Sep 28 12:10] OS does not support setting CPU affinity. ... [Main thread Sep 28 12:10] Starting worker. [Worker Sep 28 12:10] Worker starting [Worker Sep 28 12:10] Starting Gerbicz error-checking PRP test of F12/known_factors using negacyclic FMA3 FFT length 192 [Worker Sep 28 12:10] Preallocating disk space for the proof interim residues file p0004096.residues [Worker Sep 28 12:10] PRP proof using power=5 and 64-bit hash size. [Worker Sep 28 12:10] Proof requires 0.0GB of temporary disk space and uploading a 0MB proof file. [Worker Sep 28 12:10] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 4096. [Worker Sep 28 12:10] Generating proof for F12. Proof power = 5, Hash length = 64 [Worker Sep 28 12:10] Root hash = 70AA801F074B28BCDAEF1110AA131F716ACF422A754816BBECBC0CEEE52D55D6 [Worker Sep 28 12:10] hash0 = F026B90E84031CE7 [Worker Sep 28 12:10] hash1 = 0A9CBA1583A1A099 [Worker Sep 28 12:10] hash2 = 255C358B929E1429 [Worker Sep 28 12:10] hash3 = 79F12F479E609B9D [Worker Sep 28 12:10] Proof construction cost 2073 squarings [Worker Sep 28 12:10] Proof verification will cost 128 squarings [Worker Sep 28 12:10] F12/known_factors is not prime. Type-5 RES64: 8346D942AF82520A. Wh10: 00000000,00000000 [Worker Sep 28 12:10] Known factors used for PRP test were: 114689,26017793,63766529,190274191361,1256132134125569,568630647535356955169033410940867804839360742060818433 F13 (revisited 2024 for proof generation) [Worker Sep 28 12:10] Starting Gerbicz error-checking PRP test of F13/known_factors using negacyclic FMA3 FFT length 384 [Worker Sep 28 12:10] Preallocating disk space for the proof interim residues file p0008192.residues [Worker Sep 28 12:10] PRP proof using power=5 and 64-bit hash size. [Worker Sep 28 12:10] Proof requires 0.0GB of temporary disk space and uploading a 0MB proof file. [Worker Sep 28 12:10] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 8100. [Worker Sep 28 12:10] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 8181. [Worker Sep 28 12:10] Generating proof for F13. Proof power = 5, Hash length = 64 [Worker Sep 28 12:10] Root hash = 9FD55E0572AAB02121B1B9B07542E2CC9C47A7E1163DAAEA7DEAC418FA700432 [Worker Sep 28 12:10] hash0 = 2B195C36E6F21267 [Worker Sep 28 12:10] hash1 = E53CEF563A9A8F3C [Worker Sep 28 12:10] hash2 = E79AF5F7F12B3157 [Worker Sep 28 12:10] hash3 = 0D08B0DB200D0935 [Worker Sep 28 12:10] Proof construction cost 2093 squarings [Worker Sep 28 12:10] Proof verification will cost 256 squarings [Worker Sep 28 12:10] F13/known_factors is not prime. Type-5 RES64: 4B3EA30710A4989A. Wh10: 00000000,00000000 [Worker Sep 28 12:10] Known factors used for PRP test were: 2710954639361,2663848877152141313,3603109844542291969,319546020820551643220672513 F14 (revisited 2024 for proof generation) [Worker May 3 13:41] Starting Gerbicz error-checking PRP test of F14/known_factors using negacyclic FMA3 FFT length 768 [Worker May 3 13:41] Preallocating disk space for the proof interim residues file p0016384.residues [Worker May 3 13:41] PRP proof using power=5 and 64-bit hash size. [Worker May 3 13:41] Proof requires 0.0GB of temporary disk space and uploading a 0MB proof file. [Worker May 3 13:41] Iteration: 10000 / 16384 [61.03%], ms/iter: 0.006, ETA: 00:00:00 [Worker May 3 13:41] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 16384. [Worker May 3 13:41] Generating proof for F14. Proof power = 5, Hash length = 64 [Worker May 3 13:41] Root hash = 3651ADF6D63BC260864E2FC5788346A6725ECEE71DAC2BA0442F146B3B7396ED [Worker May 3 13:41] hash0 = 9E9CC6C0AEBA025B [Worker May 3 13:41] hash1 = 94434DDC54C00871 [Worker May 3 13:41] hash2 = 22D1C139D0C8E8FC [Worker May 3 13:41] hash3 = FC9F0C207F2C2EC1 [Worker May 3 13:41] Proof construction cost 2075 squarings [Worker May 3 13:41] Proof verification will cost 512 squarings [Worker May 3 13:41] F14/known_factors is not prime. Type-5 RES64: E110B2DF4898DFD7. Wh10: 00000000,00000000 [Worker May 3 13:41] Known factors used for PRP test were: 116928085873074369829035993834596371340386703423373313 F15 (revisited 2024 for proof generation) [Worker May 3 13:41] Starting Gerbicz error-checking PRP test of F15/known_factors using negacyclic FMA3 FFT length 1536 [Worker May 3 13:41] Preallocating disk space for the proof interim residues file p0032768.residues [Worker May 3 13:41] PRP proof using power=5 and 64-bit hash size. [Worker May 3 13:41] Proof requires 0.0GB of temporary disk space and uploading a 0MB proof file. [Worker May 3 13:41] Iteration: 10000 / 32768 [30.51%], ms/iter: 0.005, ETA: 00:00:00 [Worker May 3 13:41] Iteration: 20000 / 32768 [61.03%], ms/iter: 0.006, ETA: 00:00:00 [Worker May 3 13:41] Iteration: 30000 / 32768 [91.55%], ms/iter: 0.005, ETA: 00:00:00 [Worker May 3 13:41] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 32761. [Worker May 3 13:41] Generating proof for F15. Proof power = 5, Hash length = 64 [Worker May 3 13:41] Root hash = 600A9AE14D82F7B8E06C801CD35D9310D973DF0F3B3EC29BA609F3EA7CBAAD08 [Worker May 3 13:41] hash0 = DFD4743777FC0A41 [Worker May 3 13:41] hash1 = 9F67E20446BD1995 [Worker May 3 13:41] hash2 = 5C82E4E59F9F5BA2 [Worker May 3 13:41] hash3 = CF540E64E156714E [Worker May 3 13:41] Proof construction cost 2117 squarings [Worker May 3 13:41] Proof verification will cost 1024 squarings [Worker May 3 13:41] F15/known_factors is not prime. Type-5 RES64: 46C3D48B9041D9E3. Wh10: 00000000,00000000 [Worker May 3 13:41] Known factors used for PRP test were: 1214251009,2327042503868417,168768817029516972383024127016961 F16 (revisited 2024 for proof generation) [Worker May 3 13:41] Starting Gerbicz error-checking PRP test of F16/825753601/188981757975021318420037633 using negacyclic FMA3 FFT length 3K [Worker May 3 13:41] Preallocating disk space for the proof interim residues file p0065536.residues [Worker May 3 13:41] PRP proof using power=5 and 64-bit hash size. [Worker May 3 13:41] Proof requires 0.0GB of temporary disk space and uploading a 0MB proof file. [Worker May 3 13:41] Iteration: 10000 / 65536 [15.25%], ms/iter: 0.012, ETA: 00:00:00 [Worker May 3 13:41] Iteration: 20000 / 65536 [30.51%], ms/iter: 0.009, ETA: 00:00:00 [Worker May 3 13:41] Iteration: 30000 / 65536 [45.77%], ms/iter: 0.010, ETA: 00:00:00 [Worker May 3 13:41] Iteration: 40000 / 65536 [61.03%], ms/iter: 0.009, ETA: 00:00:00 [Worker May 3 13:41] Iteration: 50000 / 65536 [76.29%], ms/iter: 0.011, ETA: 00:00:00 [Worker May 3 13:41] Iteration: 60000 / 65536 [91.55%], ms/iter: 0.010, ETA: 00:00:00 [Worker May 3 13:41] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 65536. [Worker May 3 13:41] Generating proof for F16. Proof power = 5, Hash length = 64 [Worker May 3 13:41] Root hash = B79079B61E566F425CDA9A62FD04A854294700E40F1E0393258ADEFC60147AC7 [Worker May 3 13:41] hash0 = 15B20AAE03A9AFE6 [Worker May 3 13:41] hash1 = FFC18F0AF97CBCD5 [Worker May 3 13:41] hash2 = F6F9E16A4712F831 [Worker May 3 13:41] hash3 = 69E94589FC66A469 [Worker May 3 13:41] Proof construction cost 2135 squarings [Worker May 3 13:41] Proof verification will cost 2048 squarings [Worker May 3 13:41] F16/825753601/188981757975021318420037633 is not prime. Type-5 RES64: 7A3617ECEEB13091. Wh10: 00000000,00000000 [Worker May 3 13:41] No work to do at the present time. Waiting. F17 cxc@192-168-1-4 Prime95 % ./mprime -m [Main thread Apr 15 11:11] Mersenne number primality test program version 30.10 [Main thread Apr 15 11:11:44] Optimizing for CPU architecture: Core i3/i5/i7, L2 cache size: 4x4 MB [Main thread Apr 15 11:11:44] OS does not support setting CPU affinity. ... [Main thread Apr 15 11:11:48] Starting worker. [Work thread Apr 15 11:11:48] Worker starting [Work thread Apr 15 11:11:48] Starting Gerbicz error-checking PRP test of F17/known_factors using all-complex type-1 FFT length 8K, Pass1=32, Pass2=256, clm=4 [Work thread Apr 15 11:11:48] Preallocating disk space for the proof interim residues file p0131072.residues [Work thread Apr 15 11:11:48] PRP proof using power=5 and 64-bit hash size. [Work thread Apr 15 11:11:48] Proof requires 0.0GB of temporary disk space and uploading a 0MB proof file. [Work thread Apr 15 11:11:52] Iteration: 100000 / 131072 [76.29%], ms/iter: 0.036, ETA: 00:00:01 [Work thread Apr 15 11:11:53] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 131044. [Work thread Apr 15 11:11:54] Generating proof for F17. Proof power = 5, Hash length = 64 [Work thread Apr 15 11:11:54] Root hash = 847C2B8ABEEA75E90E43791897693031083D4E1182F80B5134A9B5644F0137B1 [Work thread Apr 15 11:11:54] hash0 = D34729E95CC8C5CB [Work thread Apr 15 11:11:54] hash1 = 7BBC37B375374BAC [Work thread Apr 15 11:11:54] hash2 = 573778C0E3A1E08E [Work thread Apr 15 11:11:54] hash3 = 840BE16E11E201F3 [Work thread Apr 15 11:11:54] Proof construction cost 2103 squarings [Work thread Apr 15 11:11:54] Proof verification will cost 4096 squarings [Work thread Apr 15 11:11:54] F17/known_factors is not prime. Type-5 RES64: 907B654AA857D7A8. Wh10: 5530F24D,00000000 [Work thread Apr 15 11:11:54] Known factors used for PRP test were: 31065037602817,7751061099802522589358967058392886922693580423169 F18 [Work thread Apr 15 11:11:54] Starting Gerbicz error-checking PRP test of F18/13631489/81274690703860512587777 using all-complex type-1 FFT length 16K, Pass1=64, Pass2=256, clm=4 [Work thread Apr 15 11:11:54] Preallocating disk space for the proof interim residues file p0262144.residues [Work thread Apr 15 11:11:54] PRP proof using power=5 and 64-bit hash size. [Work thread Apr 15 11:11:54] Proof requires 0.0GB of temporary disk space and uploading a 0MB proof file. [Work thread Apr 15 11:12:03] Iteration: 100000 / 262144 [38.14%], ms/iter: 0.087, ETA: 00:00:14 [Work thread Apr 15 11:12:12] Iteration: 200000 / 262144 [76.29%], ms/iter: 0.091, ETA: 00:00:05 [Work thread Apr 15 11:12:18] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 262144. [Work thread Apr 15 11:12:18] Generating proof for F18. Proof power = 5, Hash length = 64 [Work thread Apr 15 11:12:18] Root hash = 8A0439BFA5EA346A2D277702F4B6554DA736F6937EF98951CE8296ADCDA9F134 [Work thread Apr 15 11:12:18] hash0 = 8FD87418D50E4580 [Work thread Apr 15 11:12:18] hash1 = 9CACC52A3549A440 [Work thread Apr 15 11:12:18] hash2 = EAD069E681491DF2 [Work thread Apr 15 11:12:18] hash3 = 4FE5E62E41CC7D78 [Work thread Apr 15 11:12:19] Proof construction cost 2111 squarings [Work thread Apr 15 11:12:19] Proof verification will cost 8192 squarings [Work thread Apr 15 11:12:19] F18/13631489/81274690703860512587777 is not prime. Type-5 RES64: BCBFB1C446912EAD. Wh10: 6016776B,00000000 F19 [Work thread Apr 15 11:12:19] Starting Gerbicz error-checking PRP test of F19/known_factors using all-complex Pentium4 FFT length 32K, Pass1=128, Pass2=256, clm=4 [Work thread Apr 15 11:12:19] Preallocating disk space for the proof interim residues file p0524288.residues [Work thread Apr 15 11:12:19] PRP proof using power=6 and 64-bit hash size. [Work thread Apr 15 11:12:19] Proof requires 0.0GB of temporary disk space and uploading a 0MB proof file. [Work thread Apr 15 11:12:36] Iteration: 100000 / 524288 [19.07%], ms/iter: 0.174, ETA: 00:01:13 [Work thread Apr 15 11:12:53] Iteration: 200000 / 524288 [38.14%], ms/iter: 0.171, ETA: 00:00:55 [Work thread Apr 15 11:13:11] Iteration: 300000 / 524288 [57.22%], ms/iter: 0.181, ETA: 00:00:40 [Work thread Apr 15 11:13:29] Iteration: 400000 / 524288 [76.29%], ms/iter: 0.173, ETA: 00:00:21 [Work thread Apr 15 11:13:46] Iteration: 500000 / 524288 [95.36%], ms/iter: 0.170, ETA: 00:00:04 [Work thread Apr 15 11:13:50] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 524176. [Work thread Apr 15 11:13:50] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 524276. [Work thread Apr 15 11:13:54] Generating proof for F19. Proof power = 6, Hash length = 64 [Work thread Apr 15 11:13:54] Root hash = 88F9A02BE1A4F9F223E999974C71286AF52A46A1FAE120EEB8D87D4585EBCF5C [Work thread Apr 15 11:13:54] hash0 = 979C5ADD3E1AD55B [Work thread Apr 15 11:13:54] hash1 = 78DE290D2947A004 [Work thread Apr 15 11:13:54] hash2 = 353E3B2FA966A942 [Work thread Apr 15 11:13:54] hash3 = 5CBAAF5B77234FE3 [Work thread Apr 15 11:13:54] hash4 = F9646BC5748793D8 [Work thread Apr 15 11:13:55] Proof construction cost 4684 squarings [Work thread Apr 15 11:13:55] Proof verification will cost 8192 squarings [Work thread Apr 15 11:13:55] F19/known_factors is not prime. Type-5 RES64: 449FBCA640B4FA27. Wh10: 75E095DF,00000000 [Work thread Apr 15 11:13:55] Known factors used for PRP test were: 70525124609,646730219521,37590055514133754286524446080499713 F20 [Work thread Apr 15 11:13:55] Starting Gerbicz error-checking PRP test of F20 using all-complex Pentium4 FFT length 64K, Pass1=256, Pass2=256, clm=4 [Work thread Apr 15 11:13:55] Preallocating disk space for the proof interim residues file p1048576.residues [Work thread Apr 15 11:13:55] PRP proof using power=6 and 64-bit hash size. [Work thread Apr 15 11:13:55] Proof requires 0.0GB of temporary disk space and uploading a 1MB proof file. [Work thread Apr 15 11:14:32] Iteration: 100000 / 1048576 [9.53%], ms/iter: 0.368, ETA: 00:05:49 [Work thread Apr 15 11:15:08] Iteration: 200000 / 1048576 [19.07%], ms/iter: 0.363, ETA: 00:05:08 [Work thread Apr 15 11:15:45] Iteration: 300000 / 1048576 [28.61%], ms/iter: 0.371, ETA: 00:04:37 [Work thread Apr 15 11:16:22] Iteration: 400000 / 1048576 [38.14%], ms/iter: 0.370, ETA: 00:04:00 [Work thread Apr 15 11:16:59] Iteration: 500000 / 1048576 [47.68%], ms/iter: 0.371, ETA: 00:03:23 [Work thread Apr 15 11:17:36] Iteration: 600000 / 1048576 [57.22%], ms/iter: 0.364, ETA: 00:02:43 [Work thread Apr 15 11:18:13] Iteration: 700000 / 1048576 [66.75%], ms/iter: 0.367, ETA: 00:02:07 [Work thread Apr 15 11:18:50] Iteration: 800000 / 1048576 [76.29%], ms/iter: 0.371, ETA: 00:01:32 [Work thread Apr 15 11:19:27] Iteration: 900000 / 1048576 [85.83%], ms/iter: 0.375, ETA: 00:00:55 [Work thread Apr 15 11:20:04] Iteration: 1000000 / 1048576 [95.36%], ms/iter: 0.360, ETA: 00:00:17 [Work thread Apr 15 11:20:04] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 1000000. [Work thread Apr 15 11:20:22] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 1048400. [Work thread Apr 15 11:20:22] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 1048569. [Work thread Apr 15 11:20:22] Generating proof for F20. Proof power = 6, Hash length = 64 [Work thread Apr 15 11:20:22] Root hash = DD2E4445CAAA9E9EE581F255E39C51C3618EBC21AD34604364F069AD2F0CE476 [Work thread Apr 15 11:20:22] hash0 = F48526EABAC04AD4 [Work thread Apr 15 11:20:22] hash1 = F34B26A17A253784 [Work thread Apr 15 11:20:22] hash2 = 81B075D8932F377D [Work thread Apr 15 11:20:22] hash3 = 5F94F0B95F2D1AC5 [Work thread Apr 15 11:20:23] hash4 = B9C5F2326167A6F9 [Work thread Apr 15 11:20:24] Proof construction cost 4706 squarings [Work thread Apr 15 11:20:24] Proof verification will cost 16384 squarings [Work thread Apr 15 11:20:24] F20 is not prime. RES64: 11BEF945BB1F0767. Wh10: A1746598,00000000 F21 [Work thread Apr 15 11:20:24] Starting Gerbicz error-checking PRP test of F21/4485296422913 using all-complex FFT length 128K, Pass1=128, Pass2=1K, clm=4 [Work thread Apr 15 11:20:24] Preallocating disk space for the proof interim residues file p2097152.residues [Work thread Apr 15 11:20:24] PRP proof using power=7 and 64-bit hash size. [Work thread Apr 15 11:20:24] Proof requires 0.0GB of temporary disk space and uploading a 2MB proof file. [Work thread Apr 15 11:21:41] Iteration: 100000 / 2097152 [4.76%], ms/iter: 0.769, ETA: 00:25:35 ... [Work thread Apr 15 11:33:16] Iteration: 1000000 / 2097152 [47.68%], ms/iter: 0.770, ETA: 00:14:05 [Work thread Apr 15 11:33:17] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 1000000. ... [Work thread Apr 15 11:45:57] Iteration: 2000000 / 2097152 [95.36%], ms/iter: 0.759, ETA: 00:01:13 [Work thread Apr 15 11:45:58] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 2000000. [Work thread Apr 15 11:47:13] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 2096721. [Work thread Apr 15 11:47:13] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 2097121. [Work thread Apr 15 11:47:17] Generating proof for F21. Proof power = 7, Hash length = 64 [Work thread Apr 15 11:47:17] Root hash = C5B07C2C1763267008AB435381A8D23D4B47CDBDA2DD3E1A38215631954DBE08 [Work thread Apr 15 11:47:17] hash0 = 197592D1B4AD97A2 [Work thread Apr 15 11:47:17] hash1 = 882C787546AA9992 [Work thread Apr 15 11:47:17] hash2 = 6ED9E6141C661F62 [Work thread Apr 15 11:47:18] hash3 = E545B459423BD24B [Work thread Apr 15 11:47:19] hash4 = 154D79ED57FEF51B [Work thread Apr 15 11:47:21] hash5 = B1A73AE67C760822 [Work thread Apr 15 11:47:26] Proof construction cost 9712 squarings [Work thread Apr 15 11:47:26] Proof verification will cost 16384 squarings [Work thread Apr 15 11:47:26] F21/4485296422913 is not prime. Type-5 RES64: A07023647D42B4D5. Wh10: 4C60050A,00000000 F22 [Work thread Apr 15 11:47:26] Starting Gerbicz error-checking PRP test of F22/64658705994591851009055774868504577 using all-complex Pentium4 FFT length 256K, Pass1=256, Pass2=1K, clm=4 [Work thread Apr 15 11:47:26] Preallocating disk space for the proof interim residues file p4194304.residues [Work thread Apr 15 11:47:26] PRP proof using power=7 and 64-bit hash size. [Work thread Apr 15 11:47:26] Proof requires 0.1GB of temporary disk space and uploading a 4MB proof file. [Work thread Apr 15 11:50:06] Iteration: 100000 / 4194304 [2.38%], ms/iter: 1.605, ETA: 01:49:29 ... [Work thread Apr 15 12:13:43] Iteration: 1000000 / 4194304 [23.84%], ms/iter: 1.563, ETA: 01:23:11 [Work thread Apr 15 12:13:45] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 1000000. ... [Work thread Apr 15 12:39:51] Iteration: 2000000 / 4194304 [47.68%], ms/iter: 1.566, ETA: 00:57:16 [Work thread Apr 15 12:39:52] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 2000000. ... [Work thread Apr 15 13:05:58] Iteration: 3000000 / 4194304 [71.52%], ms/iter: 1.565, ETA: 00:31:09 [Work thread Apr 15 13:05:59] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 3000000. ... [Work thread Apr 15 13:32:01] Iteration: 4000000 / 4194304 [95.36%], ms/iter: 1.565, ETA: 00:05:04 [Work thread Apr 15 13:32:03] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 4000000. [Work thread Apr 15 13:34:40] Iteration: 4100000 / 4194304 [97.75%], ms/iter: 1.567, ETA: 00:02:27 [Work thread Apr 15 13:37:07] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 4193600. [Work thread Apr 15 13:37:09] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 4194276. [Work thread Apr 15 13:37:34] Generating proof for F22. Proof power = 7, Hash length = 64 [Work thread Apr 15 13:37:34] Root hash = 9C63CB286931947B2544E00E8FEF47C02627DEBCD43BE3572D4442CA152ADBAD [Work thread Apr 15 13:37:34] hash0 = A52B5C8A67705B29 [Work thread Apr 15 13:37:34] hash1 = 781C33F64C403C04 [Work thread Apr 15 13:37:34] hash2 = 35027181D4C4D739 [Work thread Apr 15 13:37:35] hash3 = 430229EA8C1DE1B5 [Work thread Apr 15 13:37:37] hash4 = 4039CD865B5FBA96 [Work thread Apr 15 13:37:42] hash5 = 04010ECE47951168 [Work thread Apr 15 13:37:50] Proof construction cost 9284 squarings [Work thread Apr 15 13:37:50] Proof verification will cost 32768 squarings [Work thread Apr 15 13:37:50] F22/64658705994591851009055774868504577 is not prime. Type-5 RES64: 1B7A892DC7F0EC35. Wh10: 98BEB11D,00000000 F23 [Work thread Apr 15 13:37:50] Starting Gerbicz error-checking PRP test of F23/167772161 using all-complex FFT length 480K, Pass1=384, Pass2=1280, clm=4 [Work thread Apr 15 13:37:50] Preallocating disk space for the proof interim residues file p8388608.residues [Work thread Apr 15 13:37:50] PRP proof using power=8 and 64-bit hash size. [Work thread Apr 15 13:37:50] Proof requires 0.3GB of temporary disk space and uploading a 9MB proof file. [Work thread Apr 15 13:43:32] Iteration: 100000 / 8388608 [1.19%], ms/iter: 3.417, ETA: 07:51:58 ... [Work thread Apr 15 14:34:47] Iteration: 1000000 / 8388608 [11.92%], ms/iter: 3.418, ETA: 07:00:51 [Work thread Apr 15 14:34:51] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 1000000. [Work thread Apr 15 15:31:38] Iteration: 2000000 / 8388608 [23.84%], ms/iter: 3.360, ETA: 05:57:45 [Work thread Apr 15 15:31:42] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 2000000. [Work thread Apr 15 16:27:49] Iteration: 3000000 / 8388608 [35.76%], ms/iter: 3.364, ETA: 05:02:05 [Work thread Apr 15 16:27:52] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 3000000. [Work thread Apr 15 17:19:03] Iteration: 4000000 / 8388608 [47.68%], ms/iter: 3.032, ETA: 03:41:44 ... [Work thread Apr 15 17:44:29] Iteration: 4500000 / 8388608 [53.64%], ms/iter: 3.053, ETA: 03:17:53 [Work thread Apr 15 17:47:16] Iteration: 4600000 / 8388608 [54.83%], ms/iter: 1.469, ETA: 01:32:46 [note: added 2 additional cores] ... [Work thread Apr 15 17:19:06] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 4000000. [Work thread Apr 15 17:57:11] Iteration: 5000000 / 8388608 [59.60%], ms/iter: 1.499, ETA: 01:24:38 [Work thread Apr 15 17:57:12] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 5000000. [Work thread Apr 15 18:22:01] Iteration: 6000000 / 8388608 [71.52%], ms/iter: 1.558, ETA: 01:02:00 [Work thread Apr 15 18:22:03] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 6000000. [Work thread Apr 15 18:47:07] Iteration: 7000000 / 8388608 [83.44%], ms/iter: 1.509, ETA: 00:34:55 [Work thread Apr 15 18:47:08] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 7000000. [Work thread Apr 15 19:11:58] Iteration: 8000000 / 8388608 [95.36%], ms/iter: 1.479, ETA: 00:09:34 [Work thread Apr 15 19:12:00] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 8000000. ... [Work thread Apr 15 19:19:31] Iteration: 8300000 / 8388608 [98.94%], ms/iter: 1.466, ETA: 00:02:09 [Work thread Apr 15 19:21:41] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 8388129. [Work thread Apr 15 19:21:42] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 8388570. [Work thread Apr 15 19:21:53] Generating proof for F23. Proof power = 8, Hash length = 64 [Work thread Apr 15 19:21:53] Root hash = 56E0D6EF65EDED52A1B204AFEC641138AD4CE9FBA2797C26AD46AD44DB58176A [Work thread Apr 15 19:21:53] hash0 = D515D7BA29863F85 [Work thread Apr 15 19:21:53] hash1 = EAC8CD14639CA9EA [Work thread Apr 15 19:21:54] hash2 = 2A99F19B517CC588 [Work thread Apr 15 19:21:55] hash3 = 02A75F4EBA77B815 [Work thread Apr 15 19:21:57] hash4 = D4199EF0FBD9E0BF [Work thread Apr 15 19:22:01] hash5 = ADEA36FEBA38ECB5 [Work thread Apr 15 19:22:11] hash6 = F6D0F41F64BD5843 [Work thread Apr 15 19:22:29] Proof construction cost 20075 squarings [Work thread Apr 15 19:22:29] Proof verification will cost 32768 squarings [Work thread Apr 15 19:22:29] F23/167772161 is not prime. Type-5 RES64: 14E2143DD7E57ABB. Wh10: E732623A,00000000 F24 [Work thread Apr 15 19:22:29] Starting Gerbicz error-checking PRP test of F24 using all-complex FFT length 864K, Pass1=384, Pass2=2304, clm=4, 3 threads [Work thread Apr 15 19:22:29] Preallocating disk space for the proof interim residues file pG777216.residues [Work thread Apr 15 19:22:29] PRP proof using power=8 and 64-bit hash size. [Work thread Apr 15 19:22:29] Proof requires 0.5GB of temporary disk space and uploading a 19MB proof file. [Work thread Apr 15 19:26:53] Iteration: 100000 / 16777216 [0.59%], ms/iter: 2.637, ETA: 12:12:59 ... [Work thread Apr 15 20:07:19] Iteration: 1000000 / 16777216 [5.96%], ms/iter: 2.747, ETA: 12:02:20 [Work thread Apr 15 20:07:21] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 1000000. [Work thread Apr 15 20:53:40] Iteration: 2000000 / 16777216 [11.92%], ms/iter: 2.792, ETA: 11:27:36 [Work thread Apr 15 20:53:43] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 2000000. [Work thread Apr 15 21:39:11] Iteration: 3000000 / 16777216 [17.88%], ms/iter: 2.751, ETA: 10:31:39 [Work thread Apr 15 21:39:14] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 3000000. [Work thread Apr 15 22:25:23] Iteration: 4000000 / 16777216 [23.84%], ms/iter: 2.677, ETA: 09:29:59 [Work thread Apr 15 22:25:26] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 4000000. [Work thread Apr 15 23:11:14] Iteration: 5000000 / 16777216 [29.80%], ms/iter: 2.648, ETA: 08:39:42 [Work thread Apr 15 23:11:17] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 5000000. [Work thread Apr 15 23:55:06] Iteration: 6000000 / 16777216 [35.76%], ms/iter: 2.623, ETA: 07:51:08 [Work thread Apr 15 23:55:09] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 6000000. [Work thread Apr 16 00:40:32] Iteration: 7000000 / 16777216 [41.72%], ms/iter: 3.061, ETA: 08:18:52 [Work thread Apr 16 00:40:35] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 7000000. [Work thread Apr 16 01:26:04] Iteration: 8000000 / 16777216 [47.68%], ms/iter: 2.646, ETA: 06:27:03 [Work thread Apr 16 01:26:07] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 8000000. [Work thread Apr 16 02:10:07] Iteration: 9000000 / 16777216 [53.64%], ms/iter: 2.639, ETA: 05:42:05 [Work thread Apr 16 02:10:10] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 9000000. [Work thread Apr 16 02:54:11] Iteration: 10000000 / 16777216 [59.60%], ms/iter: 2.611, ETA: 04:54:54 [Work thread Apr 16 02:54:14] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 10000000. [Work thread Apr 16 03:37:46] Iteration: 11000000 / 16777216 [65.56%], ms/iter: 2.584, ETA: 04:08:50 [Work thread Apr 16 03:37:49] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 11000000. [Work thread Apr 16 04:18:05] Iteration: 12000000 / 16777216 [71.52%], ms/iter: 2.353, ETA: 03:07:21 [Work thread Apr 16 04:18:08] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 12000000. [Work thread Apr 16 04:57:29] Iteration: 13000000 / 16777216 [77.48%], ms/iter: 2.339, ETA: 02:27:16 [Work thread Apr 16 04:57:31] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 13000000. [Work thread Apr 16 05:01:25] Iteration: 13100000 / 16777216 [78.08%], ms/iter: 2.335, ETA: 02:23:04 [Work thread Apr 16 05:05:19] Iteration: 13200000 / 16777216 [78.67%], ms/iter: 2.337, ETA: 02:19:18 [Work thread Apr 16 05:09:14] Iteration: 13300000 / 16777216 [79.27%], ms/iter: 2.344, ETA: 02:15:50 [Main thread Apr 16 05:11:44] Benchmarking multiple workers to tune FFT selection. [Work thread Apr 16 05:11:44] Stopping PRP test of F24 at iteration 13363939 [79.65%] [Work thread Apr 16 05:11:44] Worker stopped while running needed benchmarks. [Main thread Apr 16 05:11:47] Timing 864K all-complex FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 1.90 ms. Total throughput: 525.87 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 16 05:11:59] [Main thread Apr 16 05:11:59] Throughput benchmark complete. [Main thread Apr 16 05:11:59] Timing 1920K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 4.18 ms. Total throughput: 238.97 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 16 05:12:11] Timing 1920K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 4.40 ms. Total throughput: 227.07 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 16 05:12:24] Timing 1920K all-complex FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 4.39 ms. Total throughput: 227.97 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 16 05:12:36] [Main thread Apr 16 05:12:36] Throughput benchmark complete. [Work thread Apr 16 05:12:36] Benchmarks complete, restarting worker. [Work thread Apr 16 05:12:37] Resuming Gerbicz error-checking PRP test of F24 using all-complex FFT length 864K, Pass1=384, Pass2=2304, clm=4, 3 threads [Work thread Apr 16 05:12:37] PRP proof using power=8 and 64-bit hash size. [Work thread Apr 16 05:12:37] Proof requires 0.5GB of temporary disk space and uploading a 19MB proof file. [Work thread Apr 16 05:12:37] Iteration: 13363940 / 16777216 [79.65%]. [Work thread Apr 16 05:14:08] Iteration: 13400000 / 16777216 [79.87%], ms/iter: 2.539, ETA: 02:22:56 ... [Work thread Apr 16 05:37:45] Iteration: 14000000 / 16777216 [83.44%], ms/iter: 2.347, ETA: 01:48:38 [Work thread Apr 16 05:37:47] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 14000000. [Work thread Apr 16 06:17:09] Iteration: 15000000 / 16777216 [89.40%], ms/iter: 2.334, ETA: 01:09:08 [Work thread Apr 16 06:17:11] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 15000000. [Work thread Apr 16 06:56:10] Iteration: 16000000 / 16777216 [95.36%], ms/iter: 2.331, ETA: 00:30:11 [Work thread Apr 16 06:56:12] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 16000000. ... [Work thread Apr 16 07:23:29] Iteration: 16700000 / 16777216 [99.53%], ms/iter: 2.330, ETA: 00:02:59 [Work thread Apr 16 07:26:29] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 16776161. [Work thread Apr 16 07:26:32] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 16777185. [Work thread Apr 16 07:26:32] Generating proof for F24. Proof power = 8, Hash length = 64 [Work thread Apr 16 07:26:32] Root hash = 2193395341CFA7DC0A9C618FDE7E0DBC9AF8B27479C816237E6A66E5CB81787D [Work thread Apr 16 07:26:33] hash0 = E3E02476578D7FD2 [Work thread Apr 16 07:26:33] hash1 = 7517BEC364ED88C1 [Work thread Apr 16 07:26:34] hash2 = 8433B0C6191DCD86 [Work thread Apr 16 07:26:36] hash3 = 5279F8A34D79977E [Work thread Apr 16 07:26:39] hash4 = 4E17A3ACF7241315 [Work thread Apr 16 07:26:47] hash5 = 4713C02E76FCEABB [Work thread Apr 16 07:27:01] hash6 = B2341CE2B747D628 [Work thread Apr 16 07:27:32] Proof construction cost 20022 squarings [Work thread Apr 16 07:27:32] Proof verification will cost 65536 squarings [Work thread Apr 16 07:27:32] F24 is not prime. RES64: 6EC4A4806BE07FAA. Wh10: D7DC6B7D,00000000 F25 [Work thread Apr 16 07:27:32] Starting Gerbicz error-checking PRP test of F25/known_factors using all-complex FFT length 1920K, Pass1=384, Pass2=5K, clm=4, 3 threads [Work thread Apr 16 07:27:32] Preallocating disk space for the proof interim residues file pX554432.residues [Work thread Apr 16 07:27:32] PRP proof using power=9 and 64-bit hash size. [Work thread Apr 16 07:27:32] Proof requires 2.1GB of temporary disk space and uploading a 42MB proof file. [Work thread Apr 16 07:36:42] Iteration: 100000 / 33554432 [0.29%], ms/iter: 5.490, ETA: 51:01:11 ... [Work thread Apr 16 09:06:32] Iteration: 1000000 / 33554432 [2.98%], ms/iter: 6.150, ETA: 55:36:49 [Work thread Apr 16 09:06:38] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 1000000. [Work thread Apr 16 10:47:45] Iteration: 2000000 / 33554432 [5.96%], ms/iter: 5.920, ETA: 51:53:09 [Work thread Apr 16 10:47:51] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 2000000. [Work thread Apr 16 12:28:45] Iteration: 3000000 / 33554432 [8.94%], ms/iter: 6.037, ETA: 51:14:21 [Work thread Apr 16 12:28:51] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 3000000. [Work thread Apr 16 14:09:27] Iteration: 4000000 / 33554432 [11.92%], ms/iter: 6.153, ETA: 50:30:41 [Work thread Apr 16 14:09:33] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 4000000. [Work thread Apr 16 15:51:59] Iteration: 5000000 / 33554432 [14.90%], ms/iter: 6.338, ETA: 50:16:29 [Work thread Apr 16 15:52:05] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 5000000. [Work thread Apr 16 17:32:31] Iteration: 6000000 / 33554432 [17.88%], ms/iter: 5.920, ETA: 45:18:28 [Work thread Apr 16 17:32:37] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 6000000. [Work thread Apr 16 19:10:07] Iteration: 7000000 / 33554432 [20.86%], ms/iter: 5.869, ETA: 43:17:17 [Work thread Apr 16 19:10:14] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 7000000. [Work thread Apr 16 20:48:21] Iteration: 8000000 / 33554432 [23.84%], ms/iter: 5.949, ETA: 42:13:44 [Work thread Apr 16 20:48:27] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 8000000. [Work thread Apr 16 22:32:11] Iteration: 9000000 / 33554432 [26.82%], ms/iter: 6.175, ETA: 42:06:54 [Work thread Apr 16 22:32:17] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 9000000. [Work thread Apr 17 00:17:30] Iteration: 10000000 / 33554432 [29.80%], ms/iter: 6.378, ETA: 41:43:50 [Work thread Apr 17 00:17:38] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 10000000. [Work thread Apr 17 01:55:21] Iteration: 11000000 / 33554432 [32.78%], ms/iter: 5.201, ETA: 32:34:57 [Work thread Apr 17 01:55:26] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 11000000. [Work thread Apr 17 02:04:10] Iteration: 11100000 / 33554432 [33.08%], ms/iter: 5.227, ETA: 32:35:58 [Main thread Apr 17 02:11:44] Benchmarking multiple workers to tune FFT selection. [Work thread Apr 17 02:11:44] Stopping PRP test of F25/known_factors at iteration 11187118 [33.34%] [Work thread Apr 17 02:11:44] Worker stopped while running needed benchmarks. [Main thread Apr 17 02:11:47] Timing 1920K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 3.66 ms. Total throughput: 273.23 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 17 02:11:59] Timing 1920K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 4.19 ms. Total throughput: 238.59 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 17 02:12:12] Timing 1920K all-complex FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 4.02 ms. Total throughput: 248.85 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 17 02:12:24] [Main thread Apr 17 02:12:24] Throughput benchmark complete. [Main thread Apr 17 02:12:25] Timing 3840K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 8.37 ms. Total throughput: 119.44 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 17 02:12:37] Timing 3840K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 8.48 ms. Total throughput: 117.95 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 17 02:12:50] Timing 3840K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 8.99 ms. Total throughput: 111.27 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 17 02:13:03] Timing 3840K all-complex FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 9.17 ms. Total throughput: 109.09 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 17 02:13:16] [Main thread Apr 17 02:13:16] Throughput benchmark complete. [Work thread Apr 17 02:13:16] Benchmarks complete, restarting worker. [Work thread Apr 17 02:13:16] Resuming Gerbicz error-checking PRP test of F25/known_factors using all-complex FFT length 1920K, Pass1=384, Pass2=5K, clm=4, 3 threads [Work thread Apr 17 02:13:16] PRP proof using power=9 and 64-bit hash size. [Work thread Apr 17 02:13:16] Proof requires 2.1GB of temporary disk space and uploading a 42MB proof file. [Work thread Apr 17 02:13:16] Iteration: 11187119 / 33554432 [33.34%]. [Work thread Apr 17 02:14:32] Iteration: 11200000 / 33554432 [33.37%], ms/iter: 5.835, ETA: 36:13:49 ... [Work thread Apr 17 03:24:17] Iteration: 12000000 / 33554432 [35.76%], ms/iter: 5.287, ETA: 31:39:18 [Work thread Apr 17 03:24:22] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 12000000. [Work thread Apr 17 04:51:09] Iteration: 13000000 / 33554432 [38.74%], ms/iter: 5.249, ETA: 29:58:05 [Work thread Apr 17 04:51:15] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 13000000. [Work thread Apr 17 06:16:47] Iteration: 14000000 / 33554432 [41.72%], ms/iter: 5.103, ETA: 27:42:57 [Work thread Apr 17 06:16:52] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 14000000. [Work thread Apr 17 07:41:48] Iteration: 15000000 / 33554432 [44.70%], ms/iter: 5.083, ETA: 26:11:47 [Work thread Apr 17 07:41:53] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 15000000. [Work thread Apr 17 09:07:19] Iteration: 16000000 / 33554432 [47.68%], ms/iter: 5.139, ETA: 25:03:37 [Work thread Apr 17 09:07:24] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 16000000. [Work thread Apr 17 10:40:40] Iteration: 17000000 / 33554432 [50.66%], ms/iter: 7.048, ETA: 32:24:43 [Work thread Apr 17 10:40:47] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 17000000. [Work thread Apr 17 12:22:16] Iteration: 18000000 / 33554432 [53.64%], ms/iter: 5.588, ETA: 24:08:38 [Work thread Apr 17 12:22:23] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 18000000. [Work thread Apr 17 14:03:08] Iteration: 19000000 / 33554432 [56.62%], ms/iter: 6.104, ETA: 24:40:33 [Work thread Apr 17 14:03:14] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 19000000. [Work thread Apr 17 15:44:20] Iteration: 20000000 / 33554432 [59.60%], ms/iter: 6.029, ETA: 22:41:57 [Work thread Apr 17 15:44:27] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 20000000. [Work thread Apr 17 17:47:09] Iteration: 21000000 / 33554432 [62.58%], ms/iter: 9.200, ETA: 32:05:02 [Work thread Apr 17 17:47:18] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 21000000. [Work thread Apr 17 19:59:40] Iteration: 22000000 / 33554432 [65.56%], ms/iter: 6.177, ETA: 19:49:33 [Work thread Apr 17 19:59:47] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 22000000. [Work thread Apr 17 21:43:20] Iteration: 23000000 / 33554432 [68.54%], ms/iter: 6.099, ETA: 17:52:46 [Work thread Apr 17 21:43:27] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 23000000. ... [Work thread Apr 17 23:04:42] Iteration: 23800000 / 33554432 [70.92%], ms/iter: 5.972, ETA: 16:10:49 [Main thread Apr 17 23:11:44] Benchmarking multiple workers to tune FFT selection. [Work thread Apr 17 23:11:44] Stopping PRP test of F25/known_factors at iteration 23871247 [71.14%] [Work thread Apr 17 23:11:44] Worker stopped while running needed benchmarks. [Main thread Apr 17 23:11:47] Timing 1920K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 4.86 ms. Total throughput: 205.86 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 17 23:11:59] Timing 1920K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 5.36 ms. Total throughput: 186.69 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 17 23:12:12] Timing 1920K all-complex FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 5.42 ms. Total throughput: 184.48 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 17 23:12:24] [Main thread Apr 17 23:12:24] Throughput benchmark complete. [Main thread Apr 17 23:12:25] Timing 3840K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 11.26 ms. Total throughput: 88.83 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 17 23:12:38] Timing 3840K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 11.45 ms. Total throughput: 87.33 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 17 23:12:50] Timing 3840K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 11.70 ms. Total throughput: 85.50 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 17 23:13:04] Timing 3840K all-complex FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 11.01 ms. Total throughput: 90.87 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 17 23:13:16] [Main thread Apr 17 23:13:16] Throughput benchmark complete. [Work thread Apr 17 23:13:16] Benchmarks complete, restarting worker. [Work thread Apr 17 23:13:17] Resuming Gerbicz error-checking PRP test of F25/known_factors using all-complex FFT length 1920K, Pass1=384, Pass2=5K, clm=4, 3 threads [Work thread Apr 17 23:13:17] PRP proof using power=9 and 64-bit hash size. [Work thread Apr 17 23:13:17] Proof requires 2.1GB of temporary disk space and uploading a 42MB proof file. [Work thread Apr 17 23:13:17] Iteration: 23871248 / 33554432 [71.14%]. [Work thread Apr 17 23:16:11] Iteration: 23900000 / 33554432 [71.22%], ms/iter: 6.017, ETA: 16:08:09 [Work thread Apr 17 23:26:15] Iteration: 24000000 / 33554432 [71.52%], ms/iter: 6.032, ETA: 16:00:35 [Work thread Apr 17 23:26:21] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 24000000. ... [Work thread Apr 18 01:06:55] Iteration: 25000000 / 33554432 [74.50%], ms/iter: 6.077, ETA: 14:26:29 [Work thread Apr 18 01:07:01] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 25000000. [Work thread Apr 18 02:46:53] Iteration: 26000000 / 33554432 [77.48%], ms/iter: 5.905, ETA: 12:23:27 [Work thread Apr 18 02:46:59] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 26000000. [Work thread Apr 18 04:25:49] Iteration: 27000000 / 33554432 [80.46%], ms/iter: 5.953, ETA: 10:50:21 [Work thread Apr 18 04:25:55] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 27000000. [Work thread Apr 18 06:05:16] Iteration: 28000000 / 33554432 [83.44%], ms/iter: 5.950, ETA: 09:10:47 [Work thread Apr 18 06:05:22] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 28000000. [Work thread Apr 18 07:50:24] Iteration: 29000000 / 33554432 [86.42%], ms/iter: 6.075, ETA: 07:41:06 [Work thread Apr 18 07:50:30] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 29000000. [Work thread Apr 18 09:30:19] Iteration: 30000000 / 33554432 [89.40%], ms/iter: 5.990, ETA: 05:54:52 [Work thread Apr 18 09:30:26] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 30000000. [Work thread Apr 18 11:11:31] Iteration: 31000000 / 33554432 [92.38%], ms/iter: 6.104, ETA: 04:19:52 [Work thread Apr 18 11:11:38] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 31000000. [Work thread Apr 18 12:54:22] Iteration: 32000000 / 33554432 [95.36%], ms/iter: 6.090, ETA: 02:37:46 [Work thread Apr 18 12:54:29] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 32000000. [Work thread Apr 18 14:39:15] Iteration: 33000000 / 33554432 [98.34%], ms/iter: 6.310, ETA: 00:58:18 [Work thread Apr 18 14:39:22] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 33000000. ... [Work thread Apr 18 15:29:39] Iteration: 33500000 / 33554432 [99.83%], ms/iter: 5.994, ETA: 00:05:26 [Work thread Apr 18 15:35:04] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 33553536. [Work thread Apr 18 15:35:10] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 33554377. [Work thread Apr 18 15:35:11] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 33554426. [Work thread Apr 18 15:40:47] Generating proof for F25. Proof power = 9, Hash length = 64 [Work thread Apr 18 15:40:48] Root hash = 6CAF23E1EEC238020C77B97132F289288C41C476F7914FD3BA933143E12DEA7B [Work thread Apr 18 15:40:48] hash0 = 814E0C391C537018 [Work thread Apr 18 15:40:49] hash1 = E5F645324344801A [Work thread Apr 18 15:40:51] hash2 = 02290864AF8EDEFC [Work thread Apr 18 15:40:55] hash3 = 2C329FA4E0A793DF [Work thread Apr 18 15:41:04] hash4 = 14A4700A5B433509 [Work thread Apr 18 15:41:22] hash5 = 4C7EF64D77CD29AC [Work thread Apr 18 15:41:59] hash6 = E190E1E280EEA2BE [Work thread Apr 18 15:43:13] hash7 = 520EDBAE7B5B3A92 [Work thread Apr 18 15:45:46] Proof construction cost 40089 squarings [Work thread Apr 18 15:45:46] Proof verification will cost 65536 squarings [Work thread Apr 18 15:45:46] F25/known_factors is not prime. Type-5 RES64: 7B6B087B84A45562. Wh10: B9307E03,00000000 [Work thread Apr 18 15:45:46] Known factors used for PRP test were: 25991531462657,204393464266227713,2170072644496392193 F26 [Work thread Apr 18 15:45:47] Starting Gerbicz error-checking PRP test of F26/76861124116481 using all-complex FFT length 3840K, Pass1=768, Pass2=5K, clm=4, 3 threads [Work thread Apr 18 15:45:47] Preallocating disk space for the proof interim residues file p10H8864.residues [Work thread Apr 18 15:45:48] PRP proof using power=9 and 64-bit hash size. [Work thread Apr 18 15:45:48] Proof requires 4.3GB of temporary disk space and uploading a 84MB proof file. [Work thread Apr 18 16:07:04] Iteration: 100000 / 67108864 [0.14%], ms/iter: 12.737, ETA: 9d 21:05 ... [Work thread Apr 18 19:59:29] Iteration: 1000000 / 67108864 [1.49%], ms/iter: 13.142, ETA: 10d 01:19 [Work thread Apr 18 19:59:43] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 1000000. [Main thread Apr 18 20:11:44] Benchmarking multiple workers to tune FFT selection. [Work thread Apr 18 20:11:44] Stopping PRP test of F26/76861124116481 at iteration 1055054 [1.57%] [Work thread Apr 18 20:11:44] Worker stopped while running needed benchmarks. [Main thread Apr 18 20:11:47] Timing 3840K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 11.17 ms. Total throughput: 89.50 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 18 20:12:00] Timing 3840K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 11.83 ms. Total throughput: 84.51 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 18 20:12:13] Timing 3840K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 12.35 ms. Total throughput: 80.95 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 18 20:12:26] Timing 3840K all-complex FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 11.98 ms. Total throughput: 83.47 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 18 20:12:39] [Main thread Apr 18 20:12:39] Throughput benchmark complete. [Work thread Apr 18 20:12:39] Benchmarks complete, restarting worker. [Work thread Apr 18 20:12:40] Resuming Gerbicz error-checking PRP test of F26/76861124116481 using all-complex FFT length 3840K, Pass1=768, Pass2=5K, clm=4, 3 threads [Work thread Apr 18 20:12:40] PRP proof using power=9 and 64-bit hash size. [Work thread Apr 18 20:12:40] Proof requires 4.3GB of temporary disk space and uploading a 84MB proof file. [Work thread Apr 18 20:12:40] Iteration: 1055055 / 67108864 [1.57%]. [Work thread Apr 18 20:21:59] Iteration: 1100000 / 67108864 [1.63%], ms/iter: 12.420, ETA: 9d 11:44 ... [Work thread Apr 18 23:38:20] Iteration: 2000000 / 67108864 [2.98%], ms/iter: 12.850, ETA: 9d 16:23 [Work thread Apr 18 23:38:34] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 2000000. [Work thread Apr 19 03:01:14] Iteration: 3000000 / 67108864 [4.47%], ms/iter: 12.130, ETA: 9d 00:00 [Work thread Apr 19 03:01:26] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 3000000. [Work thread Apr 19 06:23:58] Iteration: 4000000 / 67108864 [5.96%], ms/iter: 12.134, ETA: 8d 20:43 [Work thread Apr 19 06:24:11] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 4000000. [Work thread Apr 19 10:00:22] Iteration: 5000000 / 67108864 [7.45%], ms/iter: 12.290, ETA: 8d 20:01 [Work thread Apr 19 10:00:35] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 5000000. ... [note: about here I chose to test optimal number of cores, deciding to use 2 for rest of F26 run] ... [Work thread Apr 19 11:44:04] Iteration: 5500000 / 67108864 [8.19%], ms/iter: 12.277, ETA: 8d 18:05 [Main thread Apr 19 11:44:26] Stopping all worker windows. Waiting for worker threads to stop. [Work thread Apr 19 11:44:27] Stopping PRP test of F26/76861124116481 at iteration 5501784 [8.19%] [Work thread Apr 19 11:44:27] Worker stopped. [Main thread Apr 19 11:44:27] Execution halted. [Main thread Apr 19 11:44:27] Choose Test/Continue to restart. cxc@192-168-1-4 Prime95 % ./mprime -m [Main thread Apr 19 11:44] Mersenne number primality test program version 30.10 [Main thread Apr 19 11:44:29] Optimizing for CPU architecture: Core i3/i5/i7, L2 cache size: 4x4 MB [Main thread Apr 19 11:44:29] OS does not support setting CPU affinity. [Main thread Apr 19 11:57:24] Starting worker. [Work thread Apr 19 11:57:24] Worker starting [Work thread Apr 19 11:57:25] Resuming Gerbicz error-checking PRP test of F26/76861124116481 using all-complex FFT length 3840K, Pass1=768, Pass2=5K, clm=4, 2 threads [Work thread Apr 19 11:57:25] PRP proof using power=9 and 64-bit hash size. [Work thread Apr 19 11:57:25] Proof requires 4.3GB of temporary disk space and uploading a 84MB proof file. [Work thread Apr 19 11:57:25] Iteration: 5501785 / 67108864 [8.19%]. [Work thread Apr 19 12:52:45] Iteration: 5600000 / 67108864 [8.34%], ms/iter: 33.758, ETA: 24d 00:46 [Work thread Apr 19 13:34:07] Iteration: 5700000 / 67108864 [8.49%], ms/iter: 24.792, ETA: 17d 14:54 [Work thread Apr 19 14:19:53] Iteration: 5800000 / 67108864 [8.64%], ms/iter: 27.410, ETA: 19d 10:47 [Main thread Apr 19 14:21:23] Stopping all worker windows. [Work thread Apr 19 14:21:24] Stopping PRP test of F26/76861124116481 at iteration 5802750 [8.64%] [Work thread Apr 19 14:21:24] Worker stopped. [Main thread Apr 19 14:21:24] Execution halted. [Main thread Apr 19 14:21:24] Choose Test/Continue to restart. [Main thread Apr 19 14:21:32] Starting worker. [Work thread Apr 19 14:21:32] Worker starting [Work thread Apr 19 14:21:33] Resuming Gerbicz error-checking PRP test of F26/76861124116481 using all-complex FFT length 3840K, Pass1=768, Pass2=5K, clm=4 [Work thread Apr 19 14:21:33] PRP proof using power=9 and 64-bit hash size. [Work thread Apr 19 14:21:33] Proof requires 4.3GB of temporary disk space and uploading a 84MB proof file. [Work thread Apr 19 14:21:34] Iteration: 5802751 / 67108864 [8.64%]. [Work thread Apr 19 15:45:37] Iteration: 5900000 / 67108864 [8.79%], ms/iter: 51.776, ETA: 36d 16:18 [Work thread Apr 19 17:12:33] Iteration: 6000000 / 67108864 [8.94%], ms/iter: 52.063, ETA: 36d 19:44 [Work thread Apr 19 17:13:13] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 6000000. [Work thread Apr 19 18:26:43] Iteration: 6100000 / 67108864 [9.08%], ms/iter: 43.987, ETA: 31d 01:26 [Main thread Apr 19 18:57:51] Stopping all worker windows. [Main thread Apr 19 19:00] Mersenne number primality test program version 30.10 [Main thread Apr 19 19:00:08] Optimizing for CPU architecture: Core i3/i5/i7, L2 cache size: 4x4 MB [Main thread Apr 19 19:00:08] OS does not support setting CPU affinity. [Main thread Apr 19 19:00:08] Starting worker. [Work thread Apr 19 19:00:08] Worker starting [Work thread Apr 19 19:00:09] Resuming Gerbicz error-checking PRP test of F26/76861124116481 using all-complex FFT length 3840K, Pass1=768, Pass2=5K, clm=4, 2 threads [Work thread Apr 19 19:00:09] PRP proof using power=9 and 64-bit hash size. [Work thread Apr 19 19:00:09] Proof requires 4.3GB of temporary disk space and uploading a 84MB proof file. [Work thread Apr 19 19:00:09] Iteration: 6155224 / 67108864 [9.17%]. [Work thread Apr 19 19:11:04] Iteration: 6200000 / 67108864 [9.23%], ms/iter: 14.618, ETA: 10d 07:19 ... [Work thread Apr 20 00:03:09] Iteration: 7000000 / 67108864 [10.43%], ms/iter: 18.589, ETA: 12d 22:22 [Work thread Apr 20 00:03:27] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 7000000. [Work thread Apr 20 04:00:12] Iteration: 8000000 / 67108864 [11.92%], ms/iter: 13.461, ETA: 9d 05:00 [Work thread Apr 20 04:00:25] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 8000000. ... [Work thread Apr 20 04:46:04] Iteration: 8200000 / 67108864 [12.21%], ms/iter: 13.767, ETA: 9d 09:16 [Main thread Apr 20 05:00:08] Benchmarking multiple workers to tune FFT selection. [Work thread Apr 20 05:00:09] Stopping PRP test of F26/76861124116481 at iteration 8257078 [12.30%] [Work thread Apr 20 05:00:09] Worker stopped while running needed benchmarks. [Main thread Apr 20 05:00:12] Timing 3840K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 10.38 ms. Total throughput: 96.31 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 20 05:00:25] Timing 3840K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 10.79 ms. Total throughput: 92.71 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 20 05:00:37] Timing 3840K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 11.25 ms. Total throughput: 88.87 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 20 05:00:50] Timing 3840K all-complex FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 10.84 ms. Total throughput: 92.22 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 20 05:01:03] [Main thread Apr 20 05:01:03] Throughput benchmark complete. [Work thread Apr 20 05:01:03] Benchmarks complete, restarting worker. [Work thread Apr 20 05:01:04] Resuming Gerbicz error-checking PRP test of F26/76861124116481 using all-complex FFT length 3840K, Pass1=768, Pass2=5K, clm=4, 2 threads [Work thread Apr 20 05:01:04] PRP proof using power=9 and 64-bit hash size. [Work thread Apr 20 05:01:04] Proof requires 4.3GB of temporary disk space and uploading a 84MB proof file. [Work thread Apr 20 05:01:04] Iteration: 8257079 / 67108864 [12.30%]. [Work thread Apr 20 05:10:55] Iteration: 8300000 / 67108864 [12.36%], ms/iter: 13.749, ETA: 9d 08:36 ... [Work thread Apr 20 08:00:38] Iteration: 9000000 / 67108864 [13.41%], ms/iter: 15.489, ETA: 10d 10:00 [Work thread Apr 20 08:00:55] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 9000000. [Work thread Apr 20 12:33:27] Iteration: 10000000 / 67108864 [14.90%], ms/iter: 15.939, ETA: 10d 12:50 [Work thread Apr 20 12:33:44] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 10000000. [Work thread Apr 20 17:12:47] Iteration: 11000000 / 67108864 [16.39%], ms/iter: 17.017, ETA: 11d 01:13 [Work thread Apr 20 17:13:03] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 11000000. [Work thread Apr 20 21:45:03] Iteration: 12000000 / 67108864 [17.88%], ms/iter: 16.251, ETA: 10d 08:46 [Work thread Apr 20 21:45:18] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 12000000. ... [Work thread Apr 21 01:52:49] Iteration: 12900000 / 67108864 [19.22%], ms/iter: 16.753, ETA: 10d 12:15 [Main thread Apr 21 02:00:08] Benchmarking multiple workers to tune FFT selection. [Work thread Apr 21 02:00:08] Stopping PRP test of F26/76861124116481 at iteration 12926252 [19.26%] [Work thread Apr 21 02:00:08] Worker stopped while running needed benchmarks. [Main thread Apr 21 02:00:11] Timing 3840K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 15.15 ms. Total throughput: 66.00 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 21 02:00:24] Timing 3840K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 15.31 ms. Total throughput: 65.31 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 21 02:00:36] Timing 3840K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 15.99 ms. Total throughput: 62.55 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 21 02:00:49] Timing 3840K all-complex FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 15.48 ms. Total throughput: 64.61 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 21 02:01:02] [Main thread Apr 21 02:01:02] Throughput benchmark complete. [Work thread Apr 21 02:01:02] Benchmarks complete, restarting worker. [Work thread Apr 21 02:01:03] Resuming Gerbicz error-checking PRP test of F26/76861124116481 using all-complex FFT length 3840K, Pass1=768, Pass2=5K, clm=4, 2 threads [Work thread Apr 21 02:01:03] PRP proof using power=9 and 64-bit hash size. [Work thread Apr 21 02:01:03] Proof requires 4.3GB of temporary disk space and uploading a 84MB proof file. [Work thread Apr 21 02:01:03] Iteration: 12926253 / 67108864 [19.26%]. [Work thread Apr 21 02:21:51] Iteration: 13000000 / 67108864 [19.37%], ms/iter: 16.902, ETA: 10d 14:02 [Work thread Apr 21 02:22:09] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 13000000. ... [Work thread Apr 21 08:56:16] Iteration: 14000000 / 67108864 [20.86%], ms/iter: 16.572, ETA: 10d 04:28 [Work thread Apr 21 08:56:34] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 14000000. [Work thread Apr 21 13:37:19] Iteration: 15000000 / 67108864 [22.35%], ms/iter: 16.490, ETA: 9d 22:40 [Work thread Apr 21 13:37:36] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 15000000. [Work thread Apr 21 18:34:56] Iteration: 16000000 / 67108864 [23.84%], ms/iter: 15.435, ETA: 9d 03:08 [Work thread Apr 21 18:35:13] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 16000000. ... [Work thread Apr 21 22:34:20] Iteration: 16400000 / 67108864 [24.43%], ms/iter: 17.147, ETA: 10d 01:31 [Main thread Apr 21 23:00:08] Benchmarking multiple workers to tune FFT selection. [Work thread Apr 21 23:00:08] Stopping PRP test of F26/76861124116481 at iteration 16488633 [24.56%] [Work thread Apr 21 23:00:08] Worker stopped while running needed benchmarks. [Main thread Apr 21 23:00:11] Timing 3840K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 15.73 ms. Total throughput: 63.58 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 21 23:00:24] Timing 3840K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 15.84 ms. Total throughput: 63.13 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 21 23:00:36] Timing 3840K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 16.33 ms. Total throughput: 61.23 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 21 23:00:49] Timing 3840K all-complex FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 15.95 ms. Total throughput: 62.72 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 21 23:01:02] [Main thread Apr 21 23:01:02] Throughput benchmark complete. [Work thread Apr 21 23:01:02] Benchmarks complete, restarting worker. [Work thread Apr 21 23:01:03] Resuming Gerbicz error-checking PRP test of F26/76861124116481 using all-complex FFT length 3840K, Pass1=768, Pass2=5K, clm=4, 2 threads [Work thread Apr 21 23:01:03] PRP proof using power=9 and 64-bit hash size. [Work thread Apr 21 23:01:03] Proof requires 4.3GB of temporary disk space and uploading a 84MB proof file. [Work thread Apr 21 23:01:03] Iteration: 16488634 / 67108864 [24.56%]. [Work thread Apr 21 23:04:21] Iteration: 16500000 / 67108864 [24.58%], ms/iter: 17.372, ETA: 10d 04:12 ... [Work thread Apr 22 01:10:24] Iteration: 17000000 / 67108864 [25.33%], ms/iter: 14.638, ETA: 8d 11:45 [Work thread Apr 22 01:10:38] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 17000000. [Work thread Apr 22 05:14:01] Iteration: 18000000 / 67108864 [26.82%], ms/iter: 14.053, ETA: 7d 23:41 [Work thread Apr 22 05:14:15] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 18000000. [Work thread Apr 22 09:29:00] Iteration: 19000000 / 67108864 [28.31%], ms/iter: 14.824, ETA: 8d 06:06 [Work thread Apr 22 09:29:16] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 19000000. [Work thread Apr 22 14:38:43] Iteration: 20000000 / 67108864 [29.80%], ms/iter: 18.195, ETA: 9d 22:06 [Work thread Apr 22 14:39:01] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 20000000. [Work thread Apr 22 19:27:01] Iteration: 21000000 / 67108864 [31.29%], ms/iter: 17.615, ETA: 9d 09:36 [Work thread Apr 22 19:27:19] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 21000000. [Work thread Apr 22 19:56:02] Iteration: 21100000 / 67108864 [31.44%], ms/iter: 17.209, ETA: 9d 03:55 [Main thread Apr 22 20:00:08] Benchmarking multiple workers to tune FFT selection. [Work thread Apr 22 20:00:08] Stopping PRP test of F26/76861124116481 at iteration 21114562 [31.46%] [Work thread Apr 22 20:00:08] Worker stopped while running needed benchmarks. [Main thread Apr 22 20:00:12] Timing 3840K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 14.24 ms. Total throughput: 70.23 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 22 20:00:24] Timing 3840K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 14.17 ms. Total throughput: 70.55 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 22 20:00:37] Timing 3840K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 14.70 ms. Total throughput: 68.01 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 22 20:00:50] Timing 3840K all-complex FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 14.39 ms. Total throughput: 69.49 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 22 20:01:03] [Main thread Apr 22 20:01:03] Throughput benchmark complete. [Work thread Apr 22 20:01:03] Benchmarks complete, restarting worker. [Work thread Apr 22 20:01:04] Resuming Gerbicz error-checking PRP test of F26/76861124116481 using all-complex FFT length 3840K, Pass1=768, Pass2=5K, clm=4, 2 threads [Work thread Apr 22 20:01:04] PRP proof using power=9 and 64-bit hash size. [Work thread Apr 22 20:01:04] Proof requires 4.3GB of temporary disk space and uploading a 84MB proof file. [Work thread Apr 22 20:01:04] Iteration: 21114563 / 67108864 [31.46%]. [Work thread Apr 22 20:25:40] Iteration: 21200000 / 67108864 [31.59%], ms/iter: 17.265, ETA: 9d 04:10 ... [Work thread Apr 23 00:14:58] Iteration: 22000000 / 67108864 [32.78%], ms/iter: 17.200, ETA: 8d 23:31 [Work thread Apr 23 00:15:16] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 22000000. [Work thread Apr 23 04:35:13] Iteration: 23000000 / 67108864 [34.27%], ms/iter: 15.357, ETA: 7d 20:09 [Work thread Apr 23 04:35:29] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 23000000. [Work thread Apr 23 08:55:46] Iteration: 24000000 / 67108864 [35.76%], ms/iter: 17.198, ETA: 8d 13:56 [Work thread Apr 23 08:56:04] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 24000000. [Work thread Apr 23 13:24:02] Iteration: 25000000 / 67108864 [37.25%], ms/iter: 15.914, ETA: 7d 18:08 [Work thread Apr 23 13:24:18] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 25000000. ... [Work thread Apr 23 16:38:10] Iteration: 25700000 / 67108864 [38.29%], ms/iter: 16.671, ETA: 7d 23:45 [Main thread Apr 23 17:00:08] Benchmarking multiple workers to tune FFT selection. [Work thread Apr 23 17:00:08] Stopping PRP test of F26/76861124116481 at iteration 25776132 [38.40%] [Work thread Apr 23 17:00:08] Worker stopped while running needed benchmarks. [Main thread Apr 23 17:00:11] Timing 3840K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 13.67 ms. Total throughput: 73.14 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 23 17:00:24] Timing 3840K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 14.37 ms. Total throughput: 69.57 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 23 17:00:37] Timing 3840K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 14.03 ms. Total throughput: 71.28 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 23 17:00:50] Timing 3840K all-complex FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 13.96 ms. Total throughput: 71.65 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 23 17:01:02] [Main thread Apr 23 17:01:02] Throughput benchmark complete. [Work thread Apr 23 17:01:02] Benchmarks complete, restarting worker. [Work thread Apr 23 17:01:03] Resuming Gerbicz error-checking PRP test of F26/76861124116481 using all-complex FFT length 3840K, Pass1=768, Pass2=5K, clm=4, 2 threads [Work thread Apr 23 17:01:03] PRP proof using power=9 and 64-bit hash size. [Work thread Apr 23 17:01:03] Proof requires 4.3GB of temporary disk space and uploading a 84MB proof file. [Work thread Apr 23 17:01:03] Iteration: 25776133 / 67108864 [38.40%]. [Work thread Apr 23 17:08:11] Iteration: 25800000 / 67108864 [38.44%], ms/iter: 17.893, ETA: 8d 13:18 [Work thread Apr 23 17:34:57] Iteration: 25900000 / 67108864 [38.59%], ms/iter: 16.044, ETA: 7d 15:39 [Work thread Apr 23 18:00:34] Iteration: 26000000 / 67108864 [38.74%], ms/iter: 15.350, ETA: 7d 07:16 [Work thread Apr 23 18:00:50] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 26000000. ... [Work thread Apr 23 22:34:22] Iteration: 27000000 / 67108864 [40.23%], ms/iter: 17.674, ETA: 8d 04:54 [Work thread Apr 23 22:34:40] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 27000000. [Work thread Apr 24 02:57:52] Iteration: 28000000 / 67108864 [41.72%], ms/iter: 15.234, ETA: 6d 21:29 [Work thread Apr 24 02:58:07] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 28000000. [Work thread Apr 24 07:05:19] Iteration: 29000000 / 67108864 [43.21%], ms/iter: 15.786, ETA: 6d 23:06 [Work thread Apr 24 07:05:34] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 29000000. [Work thread Apr 24 11:09:27] Iteration: 30000000 / 67108864 [44.70%], ms/iter: 14.757, ETA: 6d 08:06 [Work thread Apr 24 11:09:42] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 30000000. ... [Work thread Apr 24 13:52:35] Iteration: 30600000 / 67108864 [45.59%], ms/iter: 16.030, ETA: 6d 18:34 [Main thread Apr 24 14:00:08] Benchmarking multiple workers to tune FFT selection. [Work thread Apr 24 14:00:09] Stopping PRP test of F26/76861124116481 at iteration 30627237 [45.63%] [Work thread Apr 24 14:00:09] Worker stopped while running needed benchmarks. [Main thread Apr 24 14:00:12] Timing 3840K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 14.57 ms. Total throughput: 68.65 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 24 14:00:24] Timing 3840K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 14.99 ms. Total throughput: 66.70 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 24 14:00:37] Timing 3840K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 15.86 ms. Total throughput: 63.06 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 24 14:00:50] Timing 3840K all-complex FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 15.01 ms. Total throughput: 66.60 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 24 14:01:03] [Main thread Apr 24 14:01:03] Throughput benchmark complete. [Work thread Apr 24 14:01:03] Benchmarks complete, restarting worker. [Work thread Apr 24 14:01:04] Resuming Gerbicz error-checking PRP test of F26/76861124116481 using all-complex FFT length 3840K, Pass1=768, Pass2=5K, clm=4, 2 threads [Work thread Apr 24 14:01:04] PRP proof using power=9 and 64-bit hash size. [Work thread Apr 24 14:01:04] Proof requires 4.3GB of temporary disk space and uploading a 84MB proof file. [Work thread Apr 24 14:01:04] Iteration: 30627238 / 67108864 [45.63%]. [Work thread Apr 24 14:21:43] Iteration: 30700000 / 67108864 [45.74%], ms/iter: 17.014, ETA: 7d 04:04 ... [Work thread Apr 24 15:46:16] Iteration: 31000000 / 67108864 [46.19%], ms/iter: 17.003, ETA: 7d 02:32 [Work thread Apr 24 15:46:33] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 31000000. [Work thread Apr 24 21:11:28] Iteration: 32000000 / 67108864 [47.68%], ms/iter: 21.668, ETA: 8d 19:19 [Work thread Apr 24 21:11:45] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 32000000. [Work thread Apr 25 07:22:17] Iteration: 33000000 / 67108864 [49.17%], ms/iter: 39.211, ETA: 15d 11:30 [Work thread Apr 25 07:22:43] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 33000000. ... [Work thread Apr 25 10:48:22] Iteration: 33700000 / 67108864 [50.21%], ms/iter: 17.599, ETA: 6d 19:19 [Main thread Apr 25 11:00:08] Benchmarking multiple workers to tune FFT selection. [Work thread Apr 25 11:00:08] Stopping PRP test of F26/76861124116481 at iteration 33740857 [50.27%] [Work thread Apr 25 11:00:08] Worker stopped while running needed benchmarks. [Main thread Apr 25 11:00:11] Timing 3840K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 16.28 ms. Total throughput: 61.43 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 25 11:00:24] Timing 3840K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 16.52 ms. Total throughput: 60.52 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 25 11:00:36] Timing 3840K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 17.13 ms. Total throughput: 58.39 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 25 11:00:49] Timing 3840K all-complex FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 16.62 ms. Total throughput: 60.15 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 25 11:01:02] [Main thread Apr 25 11:01:02] Throughput benchmark complete. [Work thread Apr 25 11:01:02] Benchmarks complete, restarting worker. [Work thread Apr 25 11:01:03] Resuming Gerbicz error-checking PRP test of F26/76861124116481 using all-complex FFT length 3840K, Pass1=768, Pass2=5K, clm=4, 2 threads [Work thread Apr 25 11:01:03] PRP proof using power=9 and 64-bit hash size. [Work thread Apr 25 11:01:03] Proof requires 4.3GB of temporary disk space and uploading a 84MB proof file. [Work thread Apr 25 11:01:03] Iteration: 33740858 / 67108864 [50.27%]. [Work thread Apr 25 11:16:50] Iteration: 33800000 / 67108864 [50.36%], ms/iter: 16.005, ETA: 6d 04:05 [Work thread Apr 25 11:43:34] Iteration: 33900000 / 67108864 [50.51%], ms/iter: 16.016, ETA: 6d 03:44 [Work thread Apr 25 12:10:02] Iteration: 34000000 / 67108864 [50.66%], ms/iter: 15.857, ETA: 6d 01:50 [Work thread Apr 25 12:10:18] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 34000000. ... [Work thread Apr 25 17:01:43] Iteration: 35000000 / 67108864 [52.15%], ms/iter: 17.785, ETA: 6d 14:37 [Work thread Apr 25 17:02:02] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 35000000. [Work thread Apr 25 21:43:07] Iteration: 36000000 / 67108864 [53.64%], ms/iter: 18.174, ETA: 6d 13:02 [Work thread Apr 25 21:43:26] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 36000000. [Work thread Apr 26 02:01:43] Iteration: 37000000 / 67108864 [55.13%], ms/iter: 14.546, ETA: 5d 01:39 [Work thread Apr 26 02:01:58] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 37000000. [Work thread Apr 26 06:03:05] Iteration: 38000000 / 67108864 [56.62%], ms/iter: 14.241, ETA: 4d 19:08 [Work thread Apr 26 06:03:20] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 38000000. [Work thread Apr 26 10:47:02] Iteration: 39000000 / 67108864 [58.11%], ms/iter: 17.852, ETA: 5d 19:23 [Work thread Apr 26 10:47:20] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 39000000. [Work thread Apr 26 15:49:26] Iteration: 40000000 / 67108864 [59.60%], ms/iter: 18.242, ETA: 5d 17:22 [Work thread Apr 26 15:49:44] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 40000000. [Work thread Apr 26 20:47:33] Iteration: 41000000 / 67108864 [61.09%], ms/iter: 18.483, ETA: 5d 14:02 [Work thread Apr 26 20:47:53] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 41000000. [Work thread Apr 26 21:19:46] Iteration: 41100000 / 67108864 [61.24%], ms/iter: 19.099, ETA: 5d 17:59 [Work thread Apr 27 01:53:58] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 42000000. [Work thread Apr 27 06:09:47] Iteration: 43000000 / 67108864 [64.07%], ms/iter: 15.317, ETA: 4d 06:34 [Work thread Apr 27 06:10:03] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 43000000. [Work thread Apr 27 10:58:30] Iteration: 44000000 / 67108864 [65.56%], ms/iter: 16.496, ETA: 4d 09:53 [Work thread Apr 27 10:58:49] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 44000000. [Work thread Apr 27 15:53:01] Iteration: 45000000 / 67108864 [67.05%], ms/iter: 18.103, ETA: 4d 15:10 [Work thread Apr 27 15:53:20] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 45000000. [Work thread Apr 27 20:29:17] Iteration: 46000000 / 67108864 [68.54%], ms/iter: 16.304, ETA: 3d 23:35 [Work thread Apr 27 20:29:35] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 46000000. [Work thread Apr 28 01:12:44] Iteration: 47000000 / 67108864 [70.03%], ms/iter: 15.627, ETA: 3d 15:17 [Work thread Apr 28 01:13:00] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 47000000. [Work thread Apr 28 05:33:09] Iteration: 48000000 / 67108864 [71.52%], ms/iter: 15.529, ETA: 3d 10:25 [Work thread Apr 28 05:33:25] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 48000000. [Work thread Apr 28 10:11:08] Iteration: 49000000 / 67108864 [73.01%], ms/iter: 16.373, ETA: 3d 10:21 [Work thread Apr 28 10:11:25] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 49000000. [Work thread Apr 28 14:59:06] Iteration: 50000000 / 67108864 [74.50%], ms/iter: 18.251, ETA: 3d 14:44 [Work thread Apr 28 14:59:25] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 50000000. [Work thread Apr 28 19:41:36] Iteration: 51000000 / 67108864 [75.99%], ms/iter: 15.138, ETA: 67:44:09 [Work thread Apr 28 19:41:52] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 51000000. [Work thread Apr 29 00:11:37] Iteration: 52000000 / 67108864 [77.48%], ms/iter: 14.793, ETA: 62:05:11 [Work thread Apr 29 00:11:53] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 52000000. [Work thread Apr 29 04:16:09] Iteration: 53000000 / 67108864 [78.97%], ms/iter: 14.516, ETA: 56:53:21 [Work thread Apr 29 04:16:23] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 53000000. [Work thread Apr 29 08:24:11] Iteration: 54000000 / 67108864 [80.46%], ms/iter: 15.659, ETA: 57:01:14 [Work thread Apr 29 08:24:27] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 54000000. [Work thread Apr 29 12:44:50] Iteration: 55000000 / 67108864 [81.95%], ms/iter: 15.854, ETA: 53:19:30 [Work thread Apr 29 12:45:06] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 55000000. [Work thread Apr 29 17:14:17] Iteration: 56000000 / 67108864 [83.44%], ms/iter: 16.616, ETA: 51:16:29 [Work thread Apr 29 17:14:34] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 56000000. ... [Work thread Apr 29 19:56:35] Iteration: 56600000 / 67108864 [84.34%], ms/iter: 15.331, ETA: 44:45:07 [Main thread Apr 29 20:00:08] Benchmarking multiple workers to tune FFT selection. [Work thread Apr 29 20:00:09] Stopping PRP test of F26/76861124116481 at iteration 56613898 [84.36%] [Work thread Apr 29 20:00:09] Worker stopped while running needed benchmarks. [Main thread Apr 29 20:00:12] Timing 7680K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 20.49 ms. Total throughput: 48.82 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 29 20:00:25] Timing 7680K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 21.76 ms. Total throughput: 45.96 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 29 20:00:38] Timing 7680K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 21.68 ms. Total throughput: 46.13 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 29 20:00:51] Timing 7680K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 23.54 ms. Total throughput: 42.49 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 29 20:01:05] Timing 7680K all-complex FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 21.82 ms. Total throughput: 45.83 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 29 20:01:18] Timing 7680K all-complex FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 23.20 ms. Total throughput: 43.11 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 29 20:01:31] [Main thread Apr 29 20:01:31] Throughput benchmark complete. [Work thread Apr 29 20:01:31] Benchmarks complete, restarting worker. [Work thread Apr 29 20:01:32] Resuming Gerbicz error-checking PRP test of F26/76861124116481 using all-complex FFT length 3840K, Pass1=768, Pass2=5K, clm=4, 2 threads [Work thread Apr 29 20:01:32] PRP proof using power=9 and 64-bit hash size. [Work thread Apr 29 20:01:32] Proof requires 4.3GB of temporary disk space and uploading a 84MB proof file. [Work thread Apr 29 20:01:32] Iteration: 56613899 / 67108864 [84.36%]. [Work thread Apr 29 20:23:37] Iteration: 56700000 / 67108864 [84.48%], ms/iter: 15.370, ETA: 44:26:20 ... [Work thread Apr 29 21:42:42] Iteration: 57000000 / 67108864 [84.93%], ms/iter: 16.052, ETA: 45:04:26 [Work thread Apr 29 21:42:57] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 57000000. [Work thread Apr 30 02:23:39] Iteration: 58000000 / 67108864 [86.42%], ms/iter: 17.529, ETA: 44:21:09 [Work thread Apr 30 02:23:56] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 58000000. [Work thread Apr 30 06:27:00] Iteration: 59000000 / 67108864 [87.91%], ms/iter: 14.353, ETA: 32:19:46 [Work thread Apr 30 06:27:14] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 59000000. [Work thread Apr 30 10:34:56] Iteration: 60000000 / 67108864 [89.40%], ms/iter: 14.674, ETA: 28:58:33 [Work thread Apr 30 10:35:12] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 60000000. [Work thread Apr 30 15:03:04] Iteration: 61000000 / 67108864 [90.89%], ms/iter: 16.437, ETA: 27:53:33 [Work thread Apr 30 15:03:20] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 61000000. ... [Work thread Apr 30 16:56:12] Iteration: 61400000 / 67108864 [91.49%], ms/iter: 17.822, ETA: 28:15:40 [Main thread Apr 30 17:00:08] Benchmarking multiple workers to tune FFT selection. [Work thread Apr 30 17:00:08] Stopping PRP test of F26/76861124116481 at iteration 61412986 [91.51%] [Work thread Apr 30 17:00:08] Worker stopped while running needed benchmarks. [Main thread Apr 30 17:00:11] Timing 7680K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 26.52 ms. Total throughput: 37.71 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 30 17:00:25] Timing 7680K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 26.63 ms. Total throughput: 37.55 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 30 17:00:38] Timing 7680K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 26.80 ms. Total throughput: 37.31 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 30 17:00:51] Timing 7680K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 25.34 ms. Total throughput: 39.47 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 30 17:01:04] Timing 7680K all-complex FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 24.02 ms. Total throughput: 41.64 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 30 17:01:18] Timing 7680K all-complex FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 23.81 ms. Total throughput: 42.00 iter/sec. [Main thread Apr 30 17:01:31] [Main thread Apr 30 17:01:31] Throughput benchmark complete. [Work thread Apr 30 17:01:31] Benchmarks complete, restarting worker. [Work thread Apr 30 17:01:32] Resuming Gerbicz error-checking PRP test of F26/76861124116481 using all-complex FFT length 3840K, Pass1=768, Pass2=5K, clm=4, 2 threads [Work thread Apr 30 17:01:32] PRP proof using power=9 and 64-bit hash size. [Work thread Apr 30 17:01:32] Proof requires 4.3GB of temporary disk space and uploading a 84MB proof file. [Work thread Apr 30 17:01:32] Iteration: 61412987 / 67108864 [91.51%]. [Work thread Apr 30 17:26:29] Iteration: 61500000 / 67108864 [91.64%], ms/iter: 17.189, ETA: 26:46:48 ... [Work thread Apr 30 19:43:10] Iteration: 62000000 / 67108864 [92.38%], ms/iter: 15.745, ETA: 22:20:36 [Work thread Apr 30 19:43:26] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 62000000. [Work thread May 1 00:30:33] Iteration: 63000000 / 67108864 [93.87%], ms/iter: 18.164, ETA: 20:43:51 [Work thread May 1 00:30:53] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 63000000. [Work thread May 1 04:48:12] Iteration: 64000000 / 67108864 [95.36%], ms/iter: 14.441, ETA: 12:28:16 [Work thread May 1 04:48:27] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 64000000. [Work thread May 1 08:52:20] Iteration: 65000000 / 67108864 [96.85%], ms/iter: 14.624, ETA: 08:33:59 [Work thread May 1 08:52:36] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 65000000. [Work thread May 1 13:32:05] Iteration: 66000000 / 67108864 [98.34%], ms/iter: 16.967, ETA: 05:13:34 [Work thread May 1 13:32:23] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 66000000. [Main thread May 1 14:00:08] Benchmarking multiple workers to tune FFT selection. [Work thread May 1 14:00:09] Stopping PRP test of F26/76861124116481 at iteration 66096561 [98.49%] [Work thread May 1 14:00:09] Worker stopped while running needed benchmarks. [Main thread May 1 14:00:12] Timing 7680K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 28.03 ms. Total throughput: 35.67 iter/sec. [Main thread May 1 14:00:25] Timing 7680K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 29.26 ms. Total throughput: 34.18 iter/sec. [Main thread May 1 14:00:38] Timing 7680K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 30.17 ms. Total throughput: 33.14 iter/sec. [Main thread May 1 14:00:51] Timing 7680K FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 31.61 ms. Total throughput: 31.64 iter/sec. [Main thread May 1 14:01:05] Timing 7680K all-complex FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 28.81 ms. Total throughput: 34.71 iter/sec. [Main thread May 1 14:01:18] Timing 7680K all-complex FFT, 8 cores, 1 worker. Average times: 29.06 ms. Total throughput: 34.42 iter/sec. [Main thread May 1 14:01:31] [Main thread May 1 14:01:31] Throughput benchmark complete. [Work thread May 1 14:01:31] Benchmarks complete, restarting worker. [Work thread May 1 14:01:32] Resuming Gerbicz error-checking PRP test of F26/76861124116481 using all-complex FFT length 3840K, Pass1=768, Pass2=5K, clm=4, 2 threads [Work thread May 1 14:01:32] PRP proof using power=9 and 64-bit hash size. [Work thread May 1 14:01:32] Proof requires 4.3GB of temporary disk space and uploading a 84MB proof file. [Work thread May 1 14:01:32] Iteration: 66096562 / 67108864 [98.49%]. [Work thread May 1 14:02:31] Iteration: 66100000 / 67108864 [98.49%], ms/iter: 17.252, ETA: 04:50:04 ... [Work thread May 1 18:22:56] Iteration: 67000000 / 67108864 [99.83%], ms/iter: 16.962, ETA: 00:30:46 [Work thread May 1 18:23:12] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 67000000. [Work thread May 1 18:50:58] Iteration: 67100000 / 67108864 [99.98%], ms/iter: 16.596, ETA: 00:02:27 [Work thread May 1 18:53:28] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 67108241. [Work thread May 1 18:53:40] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 67108817. [Work thread May 1 18:56:14] Generating proof for F26. Proof power = 9, Hash length = 64 [Work thread May 1 18:56:14] Root hash = C7EB2235F9EC1AE52A4C9FC72FE905EFEE1F05CBEC75F23085BA9F3E2CAF4287 [Work thread May 1 18:56:15] hash0 = 1D404BF01AA42FD8 [Work thread May 1 18:56:16] hash1 = 8F27B07D5857A290 [Work thread May 1 18:56:21] hash2 = 2843573C4419E77E [Work thread May 1 18:56:31] hash3 = 11CDB2EB1D99B2CC [Work thread May 1 18:56:53] hash4 = E5928644597B7305 [Work thread May 1 18:57:38] hash5 = 9D2E4E8CCBC05367 [Work thread May 1 18:59:16] hash6 = 372B1B46B559782B [Work thread May 1 19:02:34] hash7 = A26B75082A67A779 [Work thread May 1 19:08:50] Proof construction cost 40593 squarings [Work thread May 1 19:08:50] Proof verification will cost 131072 squarings [Work thread May 1 19:08:50] F26/76861124116481 is not prime. Type-5 RES64: FBB406B3A281838C. Wh10: 7BD8A30F,00000000 F27 (huge amounts of log omitted) [Work thread May 1 19:08:51] Starting Gerbicz error-checking PRP test of F27/151413703311361/231292694251438081 using all-complex FFT length 7680K, Pass1=768, Pass2=10K, clm=4, 2 threads [Work thread May 1 19:08:51] Preallocating disk space for the proof interim residues file p134217728.residues [Work thread May 1 19:08:55] PRP proof using power=10 and 64-bit hash size. [Work thread May 1 19:08:55] Proof requires 17.2GB of temporary disk space and uploading a 185MB proof file. [Work thread May 2 04:08:48] Iteration: 1000000 / 134217728 [0.74%], ms/iter: 30.625, ETA: 47d 05:15 [Work thread May 2 04:09:20] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 1000000. ... (stopped for a month) [Work thread Jun 21 23:37:00] Iteration: 2000000 / 134217728 [1.49%], ms/iter: 40.774, ETA: 62d 09:29 [Work thread Jun 21 23:37:43] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 2000000. ... (stopped for a fortnight, then resumed) [Work thread Jul 3 19:40:16] Iteration: 3000000 / 134217728 [2.23%], ms/iter: 57.799, ETA: 87d 18:44 [Work thread Jul 3 19:41:12] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 3000000. ... [Worker Aug 19 14:51:31] Iteration: 100000000 / 134217728 [74.50%], ms/iter: 27.917, ETA: 11d 01:20 [Worker Aug 19 14:51:33] F27/151413703311361/231292694251438081 interim PRP residue F2FDBFF52B1A2C83 at iteration 99999000 [Worker Aug 19 14:52:04] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 100000000. ... [Worker Sep 1 22:37:04] Iteration: 134000000 / 134217728 [99.83%], ms/iter: 28.709, ETA: 01:44:10 [Worker Sep 1 22:37:04] F27/151413703311361/231292694251438081 interim PRP residue 0D866C6EF22737A6 at iteration 133999000 [Worker Sep 1 22:37:38] Gerbicz error check passed at iteration 134000000. ... [Main thread Sep 2 00:50] Mersenne number primality test program version 30.16 [Main thread Sep 2 00:50:45] Optimizing for CPU architecture: Core i3/i5/i7, L2 cache size: 4x4 MB [Main thread Sep 2 00:50:45] OS does not support setting CPU affinity. [Worker Sep 2 00:50:47] Worker starting [Worker Sep 2 00:50:48] Resuming Gerbicz error-checking PRP test of F27/151413703311361/231292694251438081 using all-complex FFT length 7680K, Pass1=768, Pass2=10K, clm=4, 4 threads [Worker Sep 2 00:50:48] PRP proof using power=10 and 64-bit hash size. [Worker Sep 2 00:50:48] Proof requires 17.2GB of temporary disk space and uploading a 185MB proof file. [Worker Sep 2 00:50:48] Iteration: 134215366 / 134217728 [99.99%]. [Worker Sep 2 00:50:48] F27/151413703311361/231292694251438081 interim PRP residue E66F03C4A9EAAA0A at iteration 134215366 ... [Worker Sep 2 00:55:48] F27/151413703311361/231292694251438081 interim PRP residue 043A6C8B9272B297 at iteration 134217727 [Worker Sep 2 01:02:17] F27/151413703311361/231292694251438081 interim PRP residue C3B191C45CCD7820 at iteration 134217685 [Worker Sep 2 01:08:10] Generating proof for F27. Proof power = 10, Hash length = 64 [Worker Sep 2 01:08:11] Root hash = 2931E5B251A9B1757DCC76231C79D5EF22D91C899680518929D0C9EB78EB4C4E [Worker Sep 2 01:08:12] hash0 = 3B96028223E4E51C [Worker Sep 2 01:08:14] hash1 = 0FB36A76D20EF755 [Worker Sep 2 01:08:20] hash2 = 7D7BB9C6B3FE9A57 [Worker Sep 2 01:08:37] hash3 = 0632E28280CA1A38 [Worker Sep 2 01:09:12] hash4 = 5439F0D492BF7482 [Worker Sep 2 01:10:25] hash5 = DA0CBB9FFD157805 [Worker Sep 2 01:13:01] hash6 = AFF0886E8548310E [Worker Sep 2 01:18:35] hash7 = 46B2999DFE76503E [Worker Sep 2 01:29:55] hash8 = B8CE68E6BAD322AF [Worker Sep 2 01:52:28] Proof construction cost 82250 squarings [Worker Sep 2 01:52:28] Proof verification will cost 131072 squarings [Worker Sep 2 01:52:29] F27/151413703311361/231292694251438081 is not prime. Type-5 RES64: C3B191C45CCD7820. Wh10: AD647FF8,00000000
The log file for this one ended up being several hundred thousand lines long, so I hope no one will be unsatisfied if I do not upload it.